3DTopia / ThemeStation

Apache License 2.0
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Some questions about ThemeStation #6

Open yejr0229 opened 3 weeks ago

yejr0229 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I'd like to know how much memory is required for ThemeStation? An A100 or just RTX3090 with 24GB will be enough?

yejr0229 commented 3 weeks ago

Also I'd like to know the main application of ThemeStation. In my opinion, given a textured mesh, ThemeStation generates a refined mesh with more detailed texture, is that correct? And how much time will it take?

zhenwwang commented 2 weeks ago

@yejr0229 Hi, our experiments are conducted on a single A100 GPU, 3090 with 24GB is not sufficient for our current version.

hey0chen commented 1 week ago

@yejr0229 Hi, our experiments are conducted on a single A100 GPU, 3090 with 24GB is not sufficient for our current version.

  • For the application of ThemeStation, our main objective is to generate theme-consistent variations of given 3D exemplars. It can also be used to generate a refined mesh with detailed texture if your input is a textured mesh.
  • As our current approach is optimization-based, it may take about 1~2 hours based on how many optimization steps you choose.
  • We are now designing another method with similar applications to ThemeStation, but with less GPU usage (can run on a GPU with 24GB or less) and faster time-consuming (less than 10 seconds). We will release the new model within these two months. You can follow my github/homepage for updates.

@zhenwwang Hi, I tried to run the code on a single A6000 GPU with 48GB VRM but still out of memory. Can you provide some suggestions for this?