3F / DllExport

.NET DllExport with .NET Core support (aka 3F/DllExport aka DllExport.bat)
MIT License
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Basic support for the netcore-based projects #123

Closed 3F closed 4 years ago

3F commented 4 years ago

+netstandard and netcoreapp project types.

Here's my explanation about today's solution:

Please comment and test while WIP.

Known problems

Other System.Object in modified assembly

Here details: https://github.com/3F/DllExport/issues/90#issuecomment-546637702

Some optional rebase is possible via my assembler feature 4.700.2+, see issue #125:

Possible incorrect Sdk-based project types

This is so because:

modern Microsoft.Build assemblies are much more closely integrated with Visual Studio and much more difficult to maintain independently (ie. without VS/dotnet sdk dependencies).

MvsSln project will resolve this problem through: https://github.com/3F/MvsSln/issues/23

But for our project today is also possible the way through https://github.com/3F/hMSBuild

I mean, works great:

DllExport -msb hMSBuild

~So I'm thinking about temporary integration hMSBuild into our DllExport.bat.~

~Or at least use from packages, eg. DllExport.1.6.5/hMSBuild.bat already provides this tool.~

MvsSln solution vs external hMSBuild

After testing the first beta releases, 1.7 most likely will contain the calling of external hMSBuild until MvsSln solution.

Closes #90, Closes #67 Cc: @NickAcPT, @PatVax, @longlostbro

3F commented 4 years ago

Latest hMSBuild changes includes -vsw-as commands with the new default behavior. 3a02ed63847

Finally it helps to resolve "Sdk.WindowsDesktop" problem in actual 1.7-beta3 release (local report by Sg werweiss)

However, the fix depends on the published package and will not help until upgrading version at used channel.

The other temp command for old versions that can help before public release:

(set _x=DllExport -dxp-version 1.7.0-beta3 & call %_x% -action Default & for /F "tokens=*" %i in ('hMSBuild -only-path -vsw-priority Microsoft.NetCore.Component.SDK') do call %_x% -msb "%i")