3F / MvsSln

🧩 Customizable VisualStudio .sln parser with project support (.vcxproj, .csproj., …). Pluggable lightweight r/w handlers at runtime, and more …
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Variables in Project Files cause resolution failure... #34

Closed DynConcepts closed 3 years ago

DynConcepts commented 3 years ago


<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />

IF I simply load the solution, and then type to load the projects, "VSTargetsPath" seems to be empty as the project path resolves to "C:\"....

3F commented 3 years ago

Not sure what is exactly your problem here. Does this help to your issue https://github.com/3F/MvsSln/issues/32#issuecomment-717907520 ? or please full steps to reproduce. Thanks.

DynConcepts commented 3 years ago

The linked issue [#32] covers the exact problem I was trying to explain. I will evaluate the solutions proposed there... If I have questions, I can post here (if you want) or on the #32 thread (at which point close this as resolved...

I am looking for solutions that have *minimum dependencies" (e.g. Visual Studio not Installed) so that the analysis code can run on the widest set of platforms - e.g. running the analysis of .vcxproj files, or old version "full framework" .csproj (perhaps from VS-2010 timeframe) on an Ubuntu VM

3F commented 3 years ago

I close this as duplicate but feel free to continue here or there.

I am looking for solutions that have *minimum dependencies" (e.g. Visual Studio not Installed)

IeXod will do this as you can see in planned MvsSln 3.0 because of the same problems:

modern Microsoft.Build assemblies are much more closely integrated with Visual Studio and much more difficult to maintain independently (ie. without VS/dotnet sdk dependencies)

Today either try custom implementation for your case like it was for DllExport in past (actually today's DllExport project uses https://github.com/3F/hMSBuild but this is not your case at all) or anything from our wiki