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7z & amd64\msbuild.exe: Can not load 7-zip library or internal COM error #38
CI.MSBuild.bat is already stored with vssbe and contains:
msbuild %* /l:"%~dp0%cimdll%" /nologo
But if you have problem with architecture ~ Error 193 (0xC1) (SevenZipSharp lib can't manage this, but you can read here) - you need use x86 msbuild. For Visual Studio users shouldn't be problems because all versions of VS still is 32bit
Found with Native scripting and GetNuTool project.
through this helper:
so yes, the detected above msbuild.exe is x64 and IntPtr now is 8 bytes !
TODO: to consider Conari instead of omg SevenZipSharp -_-
How to fix temporarily (for current versions):
Firstly ! the
Can not load 7-zip library
it can also mean any problems for path to 7z.dllIf you are using something like:
try this:
CI.MSBuild.bat is already stored with vssbe and contains:
But if you have problem with architecture ~ Error 193 (0xC1) (SevenZipSharp lib can't manage this, but you can read here) - you need use x86 msbuild. For Visual Studio users shouldn't be problems because all versions of VS still is 32bit
Updated: temporarily you can use my msbuild-helper with
option - https://github.com/3F/GetNuTool/blob/master/msbuild.batfor example: