GMake2 will switch from GMakefile.yml to G.toml in version 2.5.0.
Why make this decision?
Yml/yaml has many problems, such as automatic escaping of quotes, which can cause issues with some commands (such as Golang -ldflags).
We are rewriting the parsing engine, which may take some time. In the meantime, you can check the toml documentation and the re-uploaded G.toml to learn the syntax of the new GMakefile.
The meaning here is that GMake2 will soon abandon the old YAML parsing engine, and the old GMakefile will no longer be available. However, migrating them will not be too difficult.
GMake2 will switch from GMakefile.yml to G.toml in version 2.5.0.
Why make this decision?
Yml/yaml has many problems, such as automatic escaping of quotes, which can cause issues with some commands (such as Golang -ldflags).
We are rewriting the parsing engine, which may take some time. In the meantime, you can check the toml documentation and the re-uploaded G.toml to learn the syntax of the new GMakefile.