3KUdelta / Solar_WiFi_Weather_Station

Based on the work of Open Green Energy: First solar Zambretti Forecaster
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Temperature offset vs thingspeak #45

Closed Spr1DLy closed 3 years ago

Spr1DLy commented 3 years ago

Hi. Have a problem. Weather station upload temperature on thingspeak without offset parameter (my bme280 made measurements +5 degree).

Pls hlp!

3KUdelta commented 3 years ago

You are absolutely right. Thank you for spotting this.

Change the lines (346)




or simply download the code again. It is corrected now.

Spr1DLy commented 3 years ago

Thx a lot. It works!

Another question came up. The rel_pressure value significantly exceeds the actual pressure values, and the pressuue value has the correct pressure. What exactly does rel_pressure show?

Here in Russia we use mmHg instead hPa, so 991.82 hPa = 743.92823389988 mmHg (corresponds to the official forecast)

16:24:46.924 -> Temp: 25.25°C; Humidity: 18.63%; Pressure: 991.82hPa; Pressure rel: 1053hPa; Dewpoint: -0.31°C; 16:24:46.924 -> Temp adjusted: 20.75°C; Humidity adjusted: 24.44%; Dewpoint Spread: 25.56°C;

PS by the way, I made a translation into Russian, I can share it if you want.

3KUdelta commented 3 years ago


For the difference of the two please see here. For weather forecast they use relative pressure.

In Settings.h you need to set your location's altitude. I live in Switzerland so my location is 505m ASL. Just change the value for your place in Settings.h. #define ELEVATION (505) //Enter your elevation in m ASL to calculate rel pressure (ASL/QNH) at your place

For the Russian conversion you need to do the following:

I am very happy to post the Russian translation for other Russian users. You can do a pull request here in github for Translation.h or you just send it here in the comments.