3KUdelta / Solar_WiFi_Weather_Station

Based on the work of Open Green Energy: First solar Zambretti Forecaster
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ThingSpeak and 18d20 temperature sensor #56

Open polanskiman opened 4 months ago

polanskiman commented 4 months ago


This is not an issue per say, more of a request.

I saw in the latest update v2.43 there is new code to improve the lifespan of the flash memory. I would like to take advante of that and also of all the updates you have made through the years (my Station is currently running with v2.35). However I see that all ThingSpeak code was removed since v2.4. I have been trying to use old code to add it to v2.43 but I am failing misarably. Any chance that it can be added back?

Also I noticed that you are using the 18d20 temperature sensor but I am using the BME280 sensor. Do I need to comment out some code?

Forgive my ignorance, I'm not really a coder.

3KUdelta commented 1 month ago

Dear polanskiman, thank you for your valuable comment. I am sorry about dropping the ThingSpeak part. It should really be a copy/paste exercise since there were no changes in the meantime on ThingSpeak's side. I recommend to buy a 18d20. The ones which are coming in a sealed metal tube (something like this: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32342208694.html). It is much less sensitive to direct sunlight and gives the system some inertia. We even added a hdc1080 which can be heated in order to get better humidity readings. The BME280 is good for pressure but unfortunately very unreliable for humidity. It gets stuck to 100% quite often. The 10d20 plugs into D7 and needs a 4.7k resistor soldered to positive and data to pull it high. The hdc1080 into the I2C socket (the one with SCL and SCA). Marc