3YOURMIND / django-migration-linter

:rocket: Detect backward incompatible migrations for your django project
Apache License 2.0
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Speed up migrations linting in CI #160

Open 0x962 opened 2 years ago

0x962 commented 2 years ago

We're running django-migrations-linter as part of our CI, it's a great tool, thank you!

Do you have any recommendations on speeding up this step when using Github actions?

I did notice the --git-commit-id parameter, but was unable to make it work using the github.event.pull_request.sha variable. (Raises a diff error)

David-Wobrock commented 2 years ago

Hi @0x962

Thanks for submitting an issue.

A good way to improve speed is indeed to only lint newly added migrations. This can be done in multiple ways:

The linter also writes a little cache, which is mostly leveraged on your local environment. I don't think GitHub Actions has some persistence to keep the cache from one run to the next :thinking:

blueyed commented 2 years ago


The linter also writes a little cache, which is mostly leveraged on your local environment. I don't think GitHub Actions has some persistence to keep the cache from one run to the next thinking

GitHub actions supports caching in general.

@0x962 The cache should be at ~/.cache/django-migration-linter. But then it is also unclear how good cache invalidation works / if it might cause any problems, of course.

David-Wobrock commented 2 years ago

Hi @blueyed

Good to know for GH Actions, thanks!

The linter cache uses a hash of the file's content as key (see https://github.com/3YOURMIND/django-migration-linter/blob/main/django_migration_linter/migration_linter.py#L213) and stores the linting result as value for each file. Then, the cache is expectedly depend of the selected Django project, database and the linter's version. The goal is to avoid generating the SQL statements and running the linting rules.

0x962 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your comments, @blueyed and @David-Wobrock.

For other people who stumble upon this thread and use this amazing tool, this is my Github actions implementation. ( The relevant steps )

      - name: Caches django migrations linter
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          path: |
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-migrations-linter-${{ github.sha }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-migrations-linter-${{ github.sha }}
            ${{ runner.os }}-migrations-linter-
            ${{ runner.os }}-

      - name: Run Migrations Linter
        run: MIGRATE=True python manage.py lintmigrations
David-Wobrock commented 2 years ago

[...] and use this amazing tool [...]
