3ative / thermostat-project-v3

A Standalone ESPHome Thermostat with OLED Display and Rotary Encoder Control
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Thermostat YAML & indication issue #2

Closed newbie22-guy closed 2 years ago

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

I have encountered an issue when trying to compile this project and hope you can assist.

When I used the code supplied I get the following error messages 72_78 177 error message

The first issue (lines 72, 73, 76, 77 &78 I resolved with the addition of a # as seen in lines 74 & 75.

The error for line 177 [set_contrast] has been significantly more difficult, and I have not been able to resolve this. If I move the indentation in or out by x1 column the indentation error does not repeat but the colon then becomes an issue as the YAML sees it as a mapping value.

I have managed to temporarily bypass this issue, with the deletion of the set_contrast: line (and the associated lines in the YAML). This allowed me to achieve an upload and some degree of success with the thermostat.

Upon upload I have input the Dallas sensor address, and uncommoned the specified lines as per YouTube tutorial

Within homeassistant I have functionality of both setpoints via the rotary encoder. This is mirrored on the OLED display, with the graphics. Display

Unfortunately I have no temperature indication either on the OLED or on homeassistant.

3ative commented 2 years ago

Your line (177) should be this "contrast: 0.4"

As for the others, I see your line numbers are different from my original code. Please post me your full code and I'll take a look. FYI - To format the code you post, start the block of text with: image

and end it with: image

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your response. The coding (from my initial query) I suspect was an old revision, as I re-downloaded the files today and compared them and noted some alterations. I have now used the latest available YAML.

Based on your reply I now have the original code (now line 196).

This initially gave an error requesting an indentation check, By revising to as below the indentation has been satisfied, but the colon is still posing an issue, I have attached the specific fault/ issue this highlights.

Error Message

  name: thermostat_kitchen
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini
      - lambda: "id(oled_contrast).publish_state(0.4);"
      - switch.turn_off: dallas_power
      - delay: 25s
      - switch.turn_on: dallas_power

  room: Kitchen # Room Name
  entity_heater: input_boolean.tut_thermo_fire_lr
  entity_cooler: input_boolean.tut_thermo_cool_lr
  default_low: "20.0"
  default_hi: "28.0"

  ssid: "Deliberately Removed"
  password: "Deliberately Removed"

    climate: none
    sensor: none
    dallas.sensor: none



  - platform: gpio
    id: dallas_power
      number: GPIO03

  - platform: template
    id: heat_cool

    optimistic: true
  - platform: gpio
    id: relay_heater
    pin: D0
    inverted: true
  - platform: gpio
    id: relay_cooler
    pin: D5
    inverted: true
  - platform: template
    id: brightness
    optimistic: true

  - platform: template
    id: fire
  - platform: template
    id: cool

  - platform: gpio
    id: button
      number: D4
      inverted: true
        - switch.toggle: heat_cool
      - min_length: 1000ms
        max_length: 20000ms
          - switch.toggle: brightness

  pin: D3
  update_interval: 3s

  - platform: thermostat
    min_cooling_off_time: 0s
    min_cooling_run_time: 0s
    # min_fanning_off_time: 0s
    # min_fanning_run_time: 0s
    min_heating_off_time: 0s
    min_heating_run_time: 0s
    min_idle_time: 0s
      min_temperature: 15 °C
      max_temperature: 30 °C
    name: "${room} Thermostat"
    id: this_thermostat
    sensor: internal_temperature

    default_target_temperature_low: ${default_low}
    default_target_temperature_high: ${default_hi}

      - switch.turn_on: relay_cooler
      - lambda: id(cool).publish_state(true);
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: homeassistant.turn_on
            entity_id: ${entity_cooler}

      - switch.turn_on: relay_heater
      - lambda: id(fire).publish_state(true);
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: homeassistant.turn_on
            entity_id: ${entity_heater}

      - switch.turn_off: relay_cooler
      - switch.turn_off: relay_heater
      - lambda: id(cool).publish_state(false);
      - lambda: id(fire).publish_state(false);
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: homeassistant.turn_off
            entity_id: ${entity_cooler}
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: homeassistant.turn_off
            entity_id: ${entity_heater}

  - platform: template
    id: oled_contrast

  - platform: dallas
    id: internal_temperature
    address: 0x28ff6401be7b6410

  - platform: rotary_encoder
    id: encoder
      number: D6
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      number: D7
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      - if:
            switch.is_on: brightness
            - sensor.template.publish:
                id: oled_contrast
                state: !lambda "return id(oled_contrast).state + 0.01;"
            - lambda: |-
                id(oled1).set_contrast( id(oled_contrast).state );
            - if:
                  switch.is_on: heat_cool
                  - climate.control:
                      id: this_thermostat
                      target_temperature_high: !lambda "return id(this_thermostat).target_temperature_high + 0.5;"
                  - climate.control:
                      id: this_thermostat
                      target_temperature_low: !lambda "return id(this_thermostat).target_temperature_low + 0.5;"

        - if:
              switch.is_on: brightness
              - sensor.template.publish:
                  id: oled_contrast
                  state: !lambda "return id(oled_contrast).state - 0.01;"
              - lambda: |-
                  id(oled1).set_contrast( id(oled_contrast).state);
              - if:
                    switch.is_on: heat_cool
                    - climate.control:
                        id: this_thermostat
                        target_temperature_high: !lambda "return id(this_thermostat).target_temperature_high - 0.5;"
                    - climate.control:
                        id: this_thermostat
                        target_temperature_low: !lambda "return id(this_thermostat).target_temperature_low - 0.5;"

  - platform: ssd1306_i2c
    id: oled1
    update_interval: 0.5s
     "contrast: 0.4"
    model: "SH1106 128x64"
    rotation: 180
    address: 0x3C
    lambda: |-
      if (id(fire).state) {id(ani_fire).next_frame(); it.image(0, 0, id(ani_fire));}
      else if (id(cool).state) {id(ani_fan).next_frame(); it.image(0, 0, id(ani_fan));}
      else {it.image(0, 0, id(home_thermometer));}
      it.print(64, 0,  id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "${room}");
      it.printf(64, 4, id(font2), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, " %.1f°", id(internal_temperature).state);
      it.printf(0, 64, id(font3), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "L:%.1f°", id(this_thermostat).target_temperature_low);
      it.printf(128, 64, id(font3), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "H:%.1f°", id(this_thermostat).target_temperature_high);

      if (id(brightness).state) {it.image(56, 51, id(bulb));} 
      else if (id(heat_cool).state) {it.image(56, 51, id(arrow_right));}
      else {it.image(56, 51, id(arrow_left));}

  - file: "_icons/thermostat/fan.gif"
    id: ani_fan
  - file: "_icons/thermostat/fire.gif"
    id: ani_fire
  - file: "_icons/thermostat/home-thermometer.png"
    id: home_thermometer
  - file: "_icons/thermostat/arrow-left-circle-outline.png"
    id: arrow_left
  - file: "_icons/thermostat/arrow-right-circle-outline.png"
    id: arrow_right
  - file: "_icons/thermostat/lightbulb-on-outline.png"
    id: bulb
  - file: "_fonts/nasalization.ttf"
    id: font1
    size: 12
  - file: "_fonts/refsan.ttf"
    id: font2
    size: 42
  - file: "_fonts/refsan.ttf"
    id: font3
    size: 13```
newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

If I now remove line 196 from the code, the following lines show faults. 82 #min_cooling_off_time: 0s 83 #min_cooling_run_time: 0s 86 #min_heating_off_time: 0s 87 #min_heating_run_time: 0s 88 #min_idle_time: 0s

With the addition of the # at the beginning of these the line issue is resolved, and I can successfully install the code.

Unfortunately as previously while the setpoints display and alter, the temperature is not displayed on the OLED or homeassistant

3ative commented 2 years ago

LOL, When I quoted "contrast: 0.4" - I assumed you knew the quote-marks were not part of it. 😜

I've used you code (as is) in a new device here and there's no such errors. My conclusion is you're not running the latest version of ESPHome. - Always update my shared code examples because of the 'Breaking Changes' that are made from time-to-time.

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Haha yes that's my mistake, I did realise the error of my ways prior to trying the install.

You were correct in relation to the ESPHome, I have just updated that, and am currently retrying an install of the YAML as per the download file.

I'd like to thank you very much for your assistance 👍

I'll keep you posted but hopefully that will resolve the issues for me

3ative commented 2 years ago

No worries fella. I'm glad we got it 'sorted' 👍

Enjoy. I'm always about if ya need more help.

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Well some very encouraging progress there, the install went through no trouble. I have the dimming function available now in addition to the setpoint adjustment etc.

I still haven't got temperature display on the OLED or homeassistant though.

3ative commented 2 years ago


As for the display, comment out this line then check the logs to see if the Dallas readings are being shown... image

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

I have done that and run the logs The error message reads as follows ][W][dallas.sensor:127]: 'internal_temperature' - Scratch pad checksum invalid!


3ative commented 2 years ago

I haven't seen that error before... A Googling found this thou: https://github.com/esphome/issues/issues/903

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

I've tried to follow the suggestion as per above.

I've spent quite some time this morning trying to resolve the issue, unfortunately to no avail.

I've tried a number of different chargers, and cables. Carried out resistance checks to eliminate the possibility of a bad solder joint. I've swapped the D1 mini 4 times. Changed out the ds18b203 times. I've even soldered the ds18b20 & resistor directly to the D1, to count out the possibility of bad connections etc

Unfortunately they symptoms of my issue remain, and I must confess I am now at a dead loss?!?!?

3ative commented 2 years ago

Try this, Wire the Dallas sensor, on its's own to a D1 Mini and flash only with the example(s) here https://esphome.io/components/sensor/dallas.html

If it still doesn't work, I guess it's your sensors.

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

I was beginning to suspect likewise, but I was dubious that I would have so many faulty sensors.

Initially I built the DS_Fake_Tester by electrical-pro (https://github.com/electrical-pro/Ds_Fake_Tester) This proved to be quite encouraging as all the sensors indicated as being genuine, and displayed readings.

I've had another play with these this morning. Using the guide below https://everythingsmarthome.co.uk/howto/building-a-temperature-sensors-for-home-assistant-wemos-d1-mini-with-ds18b20-build-guide/

Initially I built this up on breadboard for simplicity of substituting sensors & D1's. I have successfully managed to gain temperature readings from multiple sensors. I have also managed this with a number of D1 mini's.

I amended the code from the example to increase the refresh rate to 3 sec, and alternated the GPIO pin between pin 3 & 4 (to confirm no issue with either pin) Both worked as expected and provided updates every 3 secs, with no issue over the period of 15mins.

I have since remounted the D1 mini back to the PCB (I've used pin sockets for ease) Reverting the GPIO for the Dallas to GPIO3, as this conforms to the PCB track layout. Via jumper wires to the ds18b20 solder pads, the temperature readings operate as expected. Obviously the OLED and the Rotary encoder are out of the loop at this point. With the ds18b20 legs placed through the relevant solder pads, running the above code the setup has run for about 1 hour now faultlessly IMG_20220211_121221122

3ative commented 2 years ago

OMG You are using one of my PCBs!!!

I wish you would have said from the outset.... the Dallas Sensor 'Label' is reversed on those! You have to mount it on the underside. IMG_20211218_123057 IMG_20211218_123138 IMG_20211218_123206

I'm so sorry - I'm sure I emailed everybody that brought them.

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Ah sorry my bad, I should have been more accurate in my explanation.

I had noticed that and that is why the photo only shows the ds18B20 legs visible at the solder pads. (They are just sat in place at the moment)

This setup using this mornings code operates (minus display etc).

If I again revert to the original code the same scenario persists of no temp display on the OLED or home assistant.

The purpose (in my mind) of this test was to confirm that the data pin GPIO3 was able to receive the signal via the PCB. In the thought of a bad contact, high resistance on x1 line etc

This seems to have proven the board healthy, and the ds18b20's are good too.

I'm not now sure where this is pointing?!?

Can I ask what supply you use for your examples? As previously mentioned I have tried a few USB supplies, and now wonder if they aren't able to supply the required current for both the D1 & the OLED, although this wouldn't explain the non operation if the OLED is disconnected.

3ative commented 2 years ago

Ah so, you have the Dallas sensor wired correct, after-all. Hmmmm.... That's even weirder !

PSU wise, I've run these boards, without issue, on everything from a USB port on my PC to various 'Phone Chargers' and Multi-sockets with USB charger sockets.

What value do you have in R1, I can't tell from the Photo colours if it's 4.7K (Red) or 47K (Orange) - Either way, that's really only needed if the Dallas Sensor is on long leads. I guess we could try removing it completely, to see if that fixes it.

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Hmmm yeah that is making things more complicated.

I have tried the PC USB also, and a number of phone chargers.

R1 is 4.7K 0.25W 1% (Yllw, Violet, Red + Brown band)

I'm actually a step ahead of you with removing the resistor, although I only de-soldered 1 leg and lifted it clear, it should effectively achieve the same end.

3ative commented 2 years ago

Software wise, we've sorted that Component wise, all's been verified PSU, shouldn't have been an issue anyway - (still was worth the check thou - You never know)

... and you've previously stated you've checked for shorts, bad connections, etc.

There's nothing else to check... We've covered everything I would have done in the same situation.


newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Ha yeah that's where I've ended up too.

I'll try another full component assembly this evening, purely on breadboard as it makes it quicker & easier to switch components etc

It's really confusing the hell outta me

newbie22-guy commented 2 years ago

Well I have had some success at last 😁

I tried rebuilding the circuit on breadboard this evening, with no joy, exactly the same results as previously.

In a final vain attempt I put the D1 back on the PCB, and after a couple of reboots it fired into life.

Fully functioning local OLED & home assistant indication. Graphics alter if temp varied to setpoints, the works.

I am completely bamboozled as to how this came about, but more than a little chuffed at the same time lol

Just thought I would offer an update, and say thanks again for your assistance, it's massively appreciated

3ative commented 2 years ago

That's great News!... and Phew 👍

YAY you - Coz, I'd totally ran out of ideas of what to check.

Thanks for letting me know - If you do find out what it was, please do let me know.