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Linear Algebra: Chapter 5 - 3D Linear Transformations - Straightforward example to puzzle #424

Closed JJones780 closed 1 month ago

JJones780 commented 1 month ago

A more applicable example in the final puzzle introducing non-square matrices. The new example is also better related to the puzzle question. Also caught a few typos - hopefully didn't introduce any. I'm not confident in my use of subscripts in the matrices as they might be too different from the existing format?

The existing example seems to be showing a 3d to 2d transformation A being combined with a 2d transformation B. The new example in this edit is only the 3d->2d transformation M of single 3d vector A to 2d output B.

3b1b commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the contribution. The typo correction is appreciated, but the indices don't quite make sense. Typically you'll use variable subscripts like i, j, k not for specific entries, but to write a generic expression for all entries.

JJones780 commented 1 month ago

I've changed the indices to 1,2,3..
If the example is not wanted I can pare down the pull request to the typos only, or you can make those changes independently and close this.

I really appreciate your videos - I knew that I had missed out on some intuitive understanding back when I studied these topics and it's a great feeling to revisit even the simpler math and really connect to it intuitively.

JJones780 commented 1 month ago

I put the original matrices back in place. Just the typos fix including your last suggestion. Should be good to go.