3b1b / manim

Animation engine for explanatory math videos
MIT License
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issue with animations contains text .. throws warnings and list index out of range. #1276

Open MohaAmiry opened 3 years ago

MohaAmiry commented 3 years ago

using windows 10, latest miktex with all packages, running on python 3.8.6 -not 3.9.0 because scipy doesn't support it yet-, lastest SoX, latest FFmpeg version.

I installed everything important and having no problem running examples with no texts such as (SquareToCircle), but i get warnings and exceptions when running (WriteStuff) or any other text-containing animation:


I tried everything, reinstalled everything.. added all important paths(SoX,MikTeX,FFmpeg), edited some parts of (tex_mobject.py) and didn't work so stepped back,i did everything and nothing worked, what could be the reason of the issue..?

Jumper1-rgb commented 3 years ago

Hey I have a theory. Just to be sure.

Do the same three instructions from before, but using this shorter one. I think I have something.




\centering This is some text


This worked for me, too! This is the generated .svg file.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- This file was generated by dvisvgm 2.8.2 -->
<svg version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' width='75.162775pt' height='6.918502pt' viewBox='134.274197 -6.918502 75.162775 6.918502'>
<path id='g0-84' d='M6.635118-6.744707H.547945L.358655-4.503113H.607721C.747198-6.107098 .896638-6.435866 2.400996-6.435866C2.580324-6.435866 2.839352-6.435866 2.938979-6.41594C3.148194-6.37609 3.148194-6.266501 3.148194-6.03736V-.787049C3.148194-.448319 3.148194-.308842 2.102117-.308842H1.703611V0C2.11208-.029888 3.128269-.029888 3.58655-.029888S5.070984-.029888 5.479452 0V-.308842H5.080946C4.034869-.308842 4.034869-.448319 4.034869-.787049V-6.03736C4.034869-6.236613 4.034869-6.37609 4.214197-6.41594C4.323786-6.435866 4.592777-6.435866 4.782067-6.435866C6.286426-6.435866 6.435866-6.107098 6.575342-4.503113H6.824408L6.635118-6.744707Z'/>
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<path id='g0-104' d='M1.09589-.757161C1.09589-.308842 .986301-.308842 .318804-.308842V0C.667497-.009963 1.175592-.029888 1.444583-.029888C1.703611-.029888 2.221669-.009963 2.560399 0V-.308842C1.892902-.308842 1.783313-.308842 1.783313-.757161V-2.590286C1.783313-3.626401 2.49066-4.184309 3.128269-4.184309C3.755915-4.184309 3.865504-3.646326 3.865504-3.078456V-.757161C3.865504-.308842 3.755915-.308842 3.088418-.308842V0C3.437111-.009963 3.945205-.029888 4.214197-.029888C4.473225-.029888 4.991283-.009963 5.330012 0V-.308842C4.811955-.308842 4.562889-.308842 4.552927-.607721V-2.510585C4.552927-3.367372 4.552927-3.676214 4.244085-4.034869C4.104608-4.204234 3.775841-4.403487 3.198007-4.403487C2.361146-4.403487 1.92279-3.805729 1.753425-3.427148V-6.914072L.318804-6.804483V-6.495641C1.016189-6.495641 1.09589-6.425903 1.09589-5.937733V-.757161Z'/>
<path id='g0-105' d='M1.763387-4.403487L.368618-4.293898V-3.985056C1.016189-3.985056 1.105853-3.92528 1.105853-3.437111V-.757161C1.105853-.308842 .996264-.308842 .328767-.308842V0C.647572-.009963 1.185554-.029888 1.424658-.029888C1.77335-.029888 2.122042-.009963 2.460772 0V-.308842C1.803238-.308842 1.763387-.358655 1.763387-.747198V-4.403487ZM1.803238-6.136986C1.803238-6.455791 1.554172-6.665006 1.275218-6.665006C.966376-6.665006 .747198-6.396015 .747198-6.136986C.747198-5.867995 .966376-5.608966 1.275218-5.608966C1.554172-5.608966 1.803238-5.818182 1.803238-6.136986Z'/>
<path id='g0-109' d='M1.09589-3.427148V-.757161C1.09589-.308842 .986301-.308842 .318804-.308842V0C.667497-.009963 1.175592-.029888 1.444583-.029888C1.703611-.029888 2.221669-.009963 2.560399 0V-.308842C1.892902-.308842 1.783313-.308842 1.783313-.757161V-2.590286C1.783313-3.626401 2.49066-4.184309 3.128269-4.184309C3.755915-4.184309 3.865504-3.646326 3.865504-3.078456V-.757161C3.865504-.308842 3.755915-.308842 3.088418-.308842V0C3.437111-.009963 3.945205-.029888 4.214197-.029888C4.473225-.029888 4.991283-.009963 5.330012 0V-.308842C4.662516-.308842 4.552927-.308842 4.552927-.757161V-2.590286C4.552927-3.626401 5.260274-4.184309 5.897883-4.184309C6.525529-4.184309 6.635118-3.646326 6.635118-3.078456V-.757161C6.635118-.308842 6.525529-.308842 5.858032-.308842V0C6.206725-.009963 6.714819-.029888 6.983811-.029888C7.242839-.029888 7.760897-.009963 8.099626 0V-.308842C7.581569-.308842 7.332503-.308842 7.32254-.607721V-2.510585C7.32254-3.367372 7.32254-3.676214 7.013699-4.034869C6.874222-4.204234 6.545455-4.403487 5.967621-4.403487C5.13076-4.403487 4.692403-3.805729 4.523039-3.427148C4.383562-4.293898 3.646326-4.403487 3.198007-4.403487C2.470735-4.403487 2.002491-3.975093 1.723537-3.35741V-4.403487L.318804-4.293898V-3.985056C1.016189-3.985056 1.09589-3.915318 1.09589-3.427148Z'/>
<path id='g0-111' d='M4.692403-2.132005C4.692403-3.407223 3.696139-4.463263 2.49066-4.463263C1.24533-4.463263 .278954-3.377335 .278954-2.132005C.278954-.846824 1.315068 .109589 2.480697 .109589C3.686177 .109589 4.692403-.86675 4.692403-2.132005ZM2.49066-.139477C2.062267-.139477 1.62391-.348692 1.354919-.806974C1.105853-1.24533 1.105853-1.853051 1.105853-2.211706C1.105853-2.600249 1.105853-3.138232 1.344956-3.576588C1.613948-4.034869 2.082192-4.244085 2.480697-4.244085C2.919054-4.244085 3.347447-4.024907 3.606476-3.596513S3.865504-2.590286 3.865504-2.211706C3.865504-1.853051 3.865504-1.315068 3.646326-.876712C3.427148-.428394 2.988792-.139477 2.49066-.139477Z'/>
<path id='g0-115' d='M2.072229-1.932752C2.291407-1.892902 3.108344-1.733499 3.108344-1.016189C3.108344-.508095 2.759651-.109589 1.982565-.109589C1.145704-.109589 .787049-.67746 .597758-1.524284C.56787-1.653798 .557908-1.693649 .458281-1.693649C.328767-1.693649 .328767-1.62391 .328767-1.444583V-.129514C.328767 .039851 .328767 .109589 .438356 .109589C.488169 .109589 .498132 .099626 .687422-.089664C.707347-.109589 .707347-.129514 .886675-.318804C1.325031 .099626 1.77335 .109589 1.982565 .109589C3.128269 .109589 3.58655-.557908 3.58655-1.275218C3.58655-1.803238 3.287671-2.102117 3.16812-2.221669C2.839352-2.540473 2.450809-2.620174 2.032379-2.699875C1.474471-2.809465 .806974-2.938979 .806974-3.516812C.806974-3.865504 1.066002-4.273973 1.92279-4.273973C3.01868-4.273973 3.068493-3.377335 3.088418-3.068493C3.098381-2.978829 3.188045-2.978829 3.20797-2.978829C3.337484-2.978829 3.337484-3.028643 3.337484-3.217933V-4.224159C3.337484-4.393524 3.337484-4.463263 3.227895-4.463263C3.178082-4.463263 3.158157-4.463263 3.028643-4.343711C2.998755-4.303861 2.899128-4.214197 2.859278-4.184309C2.480697-4.463263 2.072229-4.463263 1.92279-4.463263C.707347-4.463263 .328767-3.795766 .328767-3.237858C.328767-2.889166 .488169-2.610212 .757161-2.391034C1.075965-2.132005 1.354919-2.072229 2.072229-1.932752Z'/>
<path id='g0-116' d='M1.723537-3.985056H3.148194V-4.293898H1.723537V-6.127024H1.474471C1.464508-5.310087 1.165629-4.244085 .18929-4.204234V-3.985056H1.036115V-1.235367C1.036115-.009963 1.96264 .109589 2.321295 .109589C3.028643 .109589 3.307597-.597758 3.307597-1.235367V-1.803238H3.058531V-1.255293C3.058531-.518057 2.759651-.139477 2.391034-.139477C1.723537-.139477 1.723537-1.046077 1.723537-1.215442V-3.985056Z'/>
<path id='g0-120' d='M2.859278-2.34122C3.158157-2.719801 3.536737-3.20797 3.775841-3.466999C4.084682-3.825654 4.493151-3.975093 4.961395-3.985056V-4.293898C4.702366-4.273973 4.403487-4.26401 4.144458-4.26401C3.845579-4.26401 3.317559-4.283935 3.188045-4.293898V-3.985056C3.39726-3.965131 3.476961-3.835616 3.476961-3.676214S3.377335-3.387298 3.327522-3.327522L2.709838-2.550436L1.932752-3.556663C1.843088-3.656289 1.843088-3.676214 1.843088-3.73599C1.843088-3.88543 1.992528-3.975093 2.191781-3.985056V-4.293898C1.932752-4.283935 1.275218-4.26401 1.115816-4.26401C.9066-4.26401 .438356-4.273973 .169365-4.293898V-3.985056C.86675-3.985056 .876712-3.975093 1.344956-3.377335L2.331258-2.092154L1.39477-.9066C.916563-.328767 .328767-.308842 .119552-.308842V0C.37858-.019925 .687422-.029888 .946451-.029888C1.235367-.029888 1.653798-.009963 1.892902 0V-.308842C1.673724-.33873 1.603985-.468244 1.603985-.617684C1.603985-.836862 1.892902-1.165629 2.500623-1.882939L3.257783-.886675C3.337484-.777086 3.466999-.617684 3.466999-.557908C3.466999-.468244 3.377335-.318804 3.108344-.308842V0C3.407223-.009963 3.965131-.029888 4.184309-.029888C4.4533-.029888 4.841843-.019925 5.140722 0V-.308842C4.60274-.308842 4.423412-.328767 4.194271-.617684L2.859278-2.34122Z'/>
<g id='page1'>
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NeoPlato commented 3 years ago

Yes! I was right!

Go open MikTex and install the rest of the packages. Like check for updates then install what's not there. Everything should be about 4000 packages so that's going to take time, but in order to make Manim at least work you need the ones in the ctex template in the root folder, or somewhere. Just search for it, you can't miss it.

Wow I am so smart

srandres-git commented 3 years ago

Wow I am so smart

Indeed you are! Haha.

Now I'm gonna have some fun.

Jumper1-rgb commented 3 years ago

Wow I am so smart

Thank you very much ! After installing 3600 packages, it works! :))))

NeoPlato commented 3 years ago

You're welcome guys. What do you think, edit that UserWarning to make it more user friendly?

Also there are like four other issues mentioning this very thing so I have to tell them they can stop repeatedly reinstalling MikTex

Saransh-cpp commented 3 years ago

Hey man, sorry for being a bit late but I've got the same error. Manim worked perfectly well on my previous laptop, but not on this one apparently. Could you just give me the final solution. Thanks! Also all the packages are installed in miktex.

Leonardoes22 commented 3 years ago

Hey man, sorry for being a bit late but I've got the same error. Manim worked perfectly well on my previous laptop, but not on this one apparently. Could you just give me the final solution. Thanks! Also all the packages are installed in miktex.

I was getting the error even after installing all the packages. Then, I just deleted the media folder and everything worked.

I am not sure if it wil continue working, but I am not getting any errors for the moment.

NeoPlato commented 3 years ago

What if you try the three commands from earlier. Does the svg produced have path elements in it

Saransh-cpp commented 3 years ago

For some reasons all the animations excluding text and tex animations are working, also I tried to execute your steps but got lost :"), it would be great if you could help me again. Should I try re installing MikTex?

Saransh-cpp commented 3 years ago

Hey man, sorry for being a bit late but I've got the same error. Manim worked perfectly well on my previous laptop, but not on this one apparently. Could you just give me the final solution. Thanks! Also all the packages are installed in miktex.

I was getting the error even after installing all the packages. Then, I just deleted the media folder and everything worked.

I am not sure if it wil continue working, but I am not getting any errors for the moment.

Unfortunately, not working

NeoPlato commented 3 years ago

For some reasons all the animations excluding text and tex animations are working, also I tried to execute your steps but got lost :"), it would be great if you could help me again. Should I try re installing MikTex?

I can't pretend to have good authority on whether that's a good idea. Keep in mind I've been guessing my way through the guidelines the entire time. But if it's the cross check you need, let me get it for you.







ygongdev commented 3 years ago

Hey I don't know if this will be helpful, but I was able to narrow it down to this package causing my problem, \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}.

  1. Locate your manimlib/tex_template.tex
  2. Remove or comment out \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}

I'm on Windows 10 and using Miktex. I was unable to find fontenc in Miktex package manager, but I do see it in my C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\fontenc.

rafaelcharris commented 3 years ago

Thank you, this solved it for me. I had to erase fontenc from the tex_template.tex file

Hey I don't know if this will be helpful, but I was able to narrow it down to this package causing my problem. Once I removed \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, everything worked fine. I'm on Windows 10 and using Miktex. I was unable to find fontenc in Miktex package manager, but I do see it in my C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\fontenc.

joakimjalden commented 3 years ago

Hey I don't know if this will be helpful, but I was able to narrow it down to this package causing my problem. Once I removed \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, everything worked fine. I'm on Windows 10 and using Miktex. I was unable to find fontenc in Miktex package manager, but I do see it in my C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\fontenc.

Thank you so much for finding this. I'm just starting out with manim, and this fixed the issue for me.

Suji04 commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much, everyone! Just to reiterate...

Comment out \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} from tex_template.tex

lgmventura commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem on Linux Ubuntu 20.04. The solution that worked for me was to comment out the line \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} from manimlib/tex_template.tex

You can do it by adding a % before it: %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}

Apparently, installing the missing packages wasn't an issue, since MiKTeX does it automatically on Linux. However, I was also getting a broken SVG file right on using the commands latex -interaction=batchmode -halt-on-error -output-directory="" tex_test.tex and dvisvgm tex_test.dvi -n -v 0 -o tex_test.svg. when this line was included.

Thank you everyone! Great job!

mujtabafromthedarkside commented 3 years ago

OMG THIS JUST WORKED. I am new to manim but I was also having the same problem , found this thread, removed the \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} thing and it finally worked (I am on windows 10). GOD. I have no idea how you guys figured it out, like I can't imagine figuring this weirdly specific thing hack out. Thanks guys. Idk how much more time I could have wasted on this . OOOOF . I Am SHwo Hawpppyy

ygongdev commented 3 years ago

OMG THIS JUST WORKED. I am new to manim but I was also having the same problem , found this thread, removed the \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} thing and it finally worked (I am on windows 10). GOD. I have no idea how you guys figured it out, like I can't imagine figuring this weirdly specific thing hack out. Thanks guys. Idk how much more time I could have wasted on this . OOOOF . I Am SHwo Hawpppyy

Haha, package dependency issues are very common in libraries. I started by tracing the error down to the root cause line and spent some time understanding what it was trying to do and had a hutch to check the latex packages. Then it was just matter of trial and error disabling packages to figure out, which one was causing the failure.

NeoPlato commented 3 years ago

Rhetorical question: is it really a good idea to comment out packages just to brute force a solution? At least without knowing why it was put there to begin with

ygongdev commented 3 years ago

@NeoPlato Not really a good idea, just a temporary workaround. If removing the package allows the library to be functional, then I assume the package was only there for some specific purpose, for who knows what.

I'm not an expert in LaTex package management, but I suspect that the Latex dependencies in manim library weren't meant to be compatible on all operating systems, given the different Latex package managers out there.

The correct solution would be to figure out why this particular package isn't working for some machines and what requirements are missing. Perhaps, some folks already have some transient Latex setup that solves this issue vs someone who is setting up Latex for the first time just for this project.

For example, a docker-ish container with compatible Latex packages or avirtualenv/requirements.txt equivalent for Latex packages.

Saransh-cpp commented 3 years ago

After spending 3-4 days on this issue I gave up and got busy with some new technology, today I came here back after a while, thank you so much for the solution, it works now.

joakimjalden commented 3 years ago

Ok. I just spent an evening debugging and may have some input on this, at least for the Windows 10 install using MiKTeX.

Short solution: If you do not wish to remove or comment out \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, try installing the package cm-super using the MiKTeX console (which I assume you can also do by installing the 3600 packages :). If you have an ongoing manim project, you may also have to delete the svg-files in the media/Tex folder to force manim to recreate these.

Long story: The \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} changes the font (encoding) used by LaTeX to a font that contains, among others, accented characters which are needed in many languages other than English. It does not do much for English text, but if you for example have accented characters it makes the typesetting slightly nicer as LaTeX does not have to build those extra characters itself but are instead is told by the font how these glyphs should look. The LaTeX companion recommends to always use \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} unless there are legacy reasons not to do so. However, MiKTeX does not in the basic default installation include the vectorized Type 1 fonts for this. These are included in the cm-super package. What happens without the right type of fonts is that dvisvgm fails to include the vectorized descriptions of the characters (glyphs) when converting the dvi file to the svg file, and this is what causes the "UserWarning: g0-65 not recognized" from manim when it cannot find the path attribute (essentially a set of Bézier curves that describe the character like all manim mobjects) for that particular character in the svg file. Installing cm-super (and the Type 1 fonts therein) solves the issue and lets dvisvgm generate the path attribute.

joakimjalden commented 3 years ago

Some additions to this issue. It seems like I was not 100% correct above. It is still true that installing cm-super resolves the issue by installing proper Type 1 vectorized fronts for T1, but in case this package is not installed, there is a program included in MiKTeX called METAFONT that is supposed to recreate vectorized frons by tracing bitmapped fonts, and this program fails to do so for some reason (at least on my installation with MiKTeX 20.12 and METAFONT, Version 2.7182818. Thus, in a sense, installing cm-super only solves the issue by avoiding the call to METAFONT, although I would still argue that it is better to use vectorized fronts, to begin with, and not have to trace bitmapped fonts. I think I reached the limits of my LaTeX, DVI and SVG knowledge, so I post the full output of the (verbose) dvisvgm output and the METAFONT log file in case someone else can take this further. Anyhow, these are the errors (when cm-super is not installed) that cascades to the manim warning in the end.

dvisvgm output

>dvisvgm f805ccf86c658da6.dvi -n -v 7 -o "f805ccf86c658da6.svg"

pre-processing DVI file (format version 2)
processing page 1
  computing extents based on data set by preview package (version 12.3)
  width=4.998779pt, height=4.304504pt, depth=0pt
  graphic size: 4.998779pt x 4.304504pt (1.75687mm x 1.51286mm)
  running Metafont for ecrm1000
  WARNING: failed to create ecrm1000.gf
  output written to f805ccf86c658da6.svg
1 of 1 page converted in 0.365 seconds

METAFONT mfput.log

This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818 (MiKTeX 20.12) (preloaded base=mf 2021.1.4)  5 JAN 2021 08:46
**mode_setup; mag:=4.000000; show pixels_per_inch*mag; batchmode; input ecrm100

! Emergency stop.
<*> mode_setup
              ; mag:=4.000000; show pixels_per_inch*mag; batchmode; input ec...
*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)
joakimjalden commented 3 years ago

Finally, here is an example that shows the benefits of the T1 encoding and a font built for this for someone who, like me, sometimes will have to use Swedish characters...


RenJiyun commented 3 years ago

set constant TEX_USE_CTEX True and install ctex

Frontgecko commented 2 years ago

Ok. I just spent an evening debugging and may have some input on this, at least for the Windows 10 install using MiKTeX.

Short solution: If you do not wish to remove or comment out \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, try installing the package cm-super using the MiKTeX console (which I assume you can also do by installing the 3600 packages :). If you have an ongoing manim project, you may also have to delete the svg-files in the media/Tex folder to force manim to recreate these.

Long story: The \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} changes the font (encoding) used by LaTeX to a font that contains, among others, accented characters which are needed in many languages other than English. It does not do much for English text, but if you for example have accented characters it makes the typesetting slightly nicer as LaTeX does not have to build those extra characters itself but are instead is told by the font how these glyphs should look. The LaTeX companion recommends to always use \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} unless there are legacy reasons not to do so. However, MiKTeX does not in the basic default installation include the vectorized Type 1 fonts for this. These are included in the cm-super package. What happens without the right type of fonts is that dvisvgm fails to include the vectorized descriptions of the characters (glyphs) when converting the dvi file to the svg file, and this is what causes the "UserWarning: g0-65 not recognized" from manim when it cannot find the path attribute (essentially a set of Bézier curves that describe the character like all manim mobjects) for that particular character in the svg file. Installing cm-super (and the Type 1 fonts therein) solves the issue and lets dvisvgm generate the path attribute.

Followed the instructions to install the cm-super MikTeX package. Not sure where to find the svg-files in the media/Tex folder though. However after trying a bunch of the solutions posted here, I still have the error pop up when attempting to run the Manim example

svg error manim
joakimjalden commented 2 years ago

Followed the instructions to install the cm-super MikTeX package. Not sure where to find the svg-files in the media/Tex folder though. However after trying a bunch of the solutions posted here, I still have the error pop up when attempting to run the Manim example.

The media folder is the one containing the subfolder for your video files. There should be a subfolder called Tex as well. There is a default for media (probably the project folder) and it can be set with the —media_dir flag. One of the first things manim outputs when running is ”Media will be written to…” and that is where you will find it.

Frontgecko commented 2 years ago

Followed the instructions to install the cm-super MikTeX package. Not sure where to find the svg-files in the media/Tex folder though. However after trying a bunch of the solutions posted here, I still have the error pop up when attempting to run the Manim example.

The media folder is the one containing the subfolder for your video files. There should be a subfolder called Tex as well. There is a default for media (probably the project folder) and it can be set with the —media_dir flag. One of the first things manim outputs when running is ”Media will be written to…” and that is where you will find it.

After re-installing manim and running the example again, it works now. However during the first run, the MikTeX console had multiple popups to install missing libraries. Works well now. Thank you.