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How to change typesetting engine to XeLatex? #2148

Open seenpeh opened 1 month ago

seenpeh commented 1 month ago

How to change typesetting engine to XeLatex?

This is the error I get. How can I fix it? I use vscode and I've tried changing the setting.json of it.

Package: xparse 2024-02-18 L3 Experimental document command parser
Package: fontspec 2024/02/13 v2.9a Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX

! Fatal Package fontspec Error: The fontspec package requires either XeTeX or
(fontspec)                      LuaTeX.
(fontspec)                      You must change your typesetting engine to,
(fontspec)                      e.g., "xelatex" or "lualatex" instead of
(fontspec)                      "latex" or "pdflatex".



osMrPigHead commented 1 month ago

Which version of ManimGL are you using?

If before commit d48957c3 (2022/09/13 19:42 UTC), please add these to custom_config.yml (recommended, in the directory where you run manimgl) or default_config.yml (in the directory where you installed ManimGL):

  executable: xelatex -no-pdf

(notice that if tex is already in the .yml file, you only need to put executable: xelatex -no-pdf after it) that changes the LaTeX compiler to XeLaTeX.

If after:

  tex_template: ctex

that changes the LaTeX compiler to XeLaTeX and the template to ctex.

Plus, if CJK (Chinese / Japanese / Korean) characters are needed in Tex or TexText, you MUST change the compiler to XeLaTeX and template to ctex. Before commit d48957c3, you can add these to custom_config.yml: 此外,如果你需要在 TexTexText 中输入中日韩文字,就必须把 LaTeX 编译器改为 XeLaTeX 并把模板改为 ctex。d48957c3 前,你还得在 custom_config.yml 中加入以下内容:

  text_to_replace: [tex_expression]
  executable: xelatex -no-pdf
  template_file: ctex_template.tex
  intermediate_filetype: xdv