3b1b / videos

Code for the manim-generated scenes used in 3blue1brown videos
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MovingCameraScene #6

Closed Volker-Weissmann closed 2 years ago

Volker-Weissmann commented 3 years ago

Hello, some older cases don't work anymore, since MovingCameraScene was removed:


$ python _2019/diffyq/all_part1_scenes.py 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/volker/cloned/videos/_2019/diffyq/all_part1_scenes.py", line 1, in <module>
    from _2019.diffyq.part1.pendulum import *
  File "/home/volker/cloned/videos/_2019/diffyq/part1/pendulum.py", line 357, in <module>
    class IntroducePendulum(PiCreatureScene, MovingCameraScene):
NameError: name 'MovingCameraScene' is not defined
[volker@battle 3b1b]$ rg MovingCamera
docs/source/getting_started/whatsnew.rst:29:  - Removed all camera classes except ``Camera`` (``MappingCamera``, ``MovingCamera``, ``MultiCamera``) and all functions in ``ThreeDCamera``
docs/source/getting_started/whatsnew.rst:123:  - Removed all functions of ``GraphScene`` (moved to ``once_useful_constructs``), ``MovingCameraScene``, ``ReconfigurableScene``, ``SceneFromVideo``, ``ZoomedScene``, and ``ThreeDScene``. Because these can basically be achieved by adjusting ``CameraFrame`` (``self.camera.frame``)  
jincy-p-janardhanan commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in the Manim Community Documentation,

If you would like to render old 3Blue1Brown projects (2019 and before), you should use ManimCairo.


ManimCairo: The old version of manim originally used by 3blue1brown. It is not available on pip.

So you should be using the ManimCairo version which can be downloaded from here.