3dem / relion

Image-processing software for cryo-electron microscopy
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Issue with CTF estimation, RELION tries to convert particles even though they are in the right format #1083

Open nmorano11 opened 7 months ago

nmorano11 commented 7 months ago

This is a template for reporting bugs. Please fill in as much information as you can.

Hello, I recently started processing some data. However, everytime I try to run CTF estimation, I get an error where Relion thinks that the frames are from a previous version of Relion. It then tries to convert them and then errors out and says "Star file is already at version 3.0001.

Please write a clear description of what the problem is. Data processing questions should be posted to the CCPEM mailing list, not here. DO NOT cross post a same question to multiple issues and/or many mailing lists (CCPEM, 3DEM, etc).



WARNING: MotionCorr/job007/NORO_121823/23dec12b_noro3_4_00003gr_00064sq_v02_00002hln_v01_00002enn_frames.star seems to be from a previous version of Relion. Attempting conversion... You should make sure metadata in the optics group table after conversion is correct. in: /relion/src/jaz/io/star_converter.cpp, line 14 ERROR: StarConverter::convert_3p0_particlesTo_3p1: Star file is already at version 3.0001 === Backtrace === /relion/build/bin/relion_run_ctffind(_ZN11RelionErrorC1ERKNSt7cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES7_l+0x66) [0x491ce6] /relion/build/bin/relion_run_ctffind(_ZN13StarConverter27convert_3p0_particlesTo_3p1ERK13MetaDataTableRS0_S3_NSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb+0x29b) [0x4ed72b] /relion/build/bin/relion_run_ctffind(_ZN16ObservationModel10loadSafelyENSt7cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERS_R13MetaDataTableS5_ib+0x325) [0x4d4435] /relion/build/bin/relion_run_ctffind(_ZN13CtffindRunner10initialiseEv+0x237) [0x484f37] /relion/build/bin/relion_run_ctffind(main+0x33) [0x470bf3] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0x7f5051ea26a3] /relion/build/bin/relion_run_ctffind(_start+0x2e) [0x47390e]

ERROR: StarConverter::convert_3p0_particlesTo_3p1: Star file is already at version 3.0001


biochem-fan commented 7 months ago

Please respect our reporting template.

OS: [dont know] MPI runtime: [e.g. OpenMPI 2.0.1] RELION version [RELION-3.1] Memory: [1000 TB] GPU: [dont know]

This is not useful at all. We need details to investigate. Also note that RELION 3.1 is no longer supported.

I guess you specified a wrong STAR file to the CtfFind job. Did you really specify corrected_micrographs.star from the MotionCorr job?