Originally reported by: bzuber (Bitbucket: bzuber, GitHub: Unknown)
I forgot to give an input micrograph starfile to run CTFFIND4. Relion crashes when I click run now. The error in the terminal (see below) is not very helpful. Relion should detect that an input starfile is missing. I got the error when I was trying to run a single process, as well as several mpi processes on my local workstation. When I then gave a input starfile, it ran fine.
PipeLine::addNode ERROR: Adding an empty nodename. Did you fill in all Node names correctly?
File: /usr/local/relion2-beta/src/pipeliner.cpp line: 30
Originally reported by: bzuber (Bitbucket: bzuber, GitHub: Unknown)
I forgot to give an input micrograph starfile to run CTFFIND4. Relion crashes when I click run now. The error in the terminal (see below) is not very helpful. Relion should detect that an input starfile is missing. I got the error when I was trying to run a single process, as well as several mpi processes on my local workstation. When I then gave a input starfile, it ran fine.
PipeLine::addNode ERROR: Adding an empty nodename. Did you fill in all Node names correctly? File: /usr/local/relion2-beta/src/pipeliner.cpp line: 30
The command is :
which relion_run_ctffind_mpi
--i --o CtfFind/job007/ --CS 2 --HT 300 --AmpCnst 0.1 --XMAG 10000 --DStep 3.54 --Box 512 --ResMin 30 --ResMax 7.1 --dFMin 5000 --dFMax 50000 --FStep 500 --dAst 100 --ctffind_exe "/usr/bin/ctffind4 --omp-num-threads 1 --old-school-input" --ctfWin -1