I'm not sure if it's a RELION or a SLURM problem, but maybe someone has some advice for me.
I have the following SLURM submit script created from RELION:
SBATCH --job-name=Relion4Job
SBATCH --nodes=1
SBATCH --ntasks=XXXmpinodesXXX
SBATCH --gres=gpu:XXXextra1XXX
SBATCH --cpus-per-task=XXXthreadsXXX
SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=XXXextra2XXX
SBATCH --partition=XXXqueueXXX
SBATCH --output=XXXoutfileXXX
SBATCH --error=XXXerrfileXXX
module purge
module load RELION
srun --mpi=pmi2 XXXcommandXXX
The script works the same way, but the --output and --error data are not written as run.out and err.out but in the "root directory" as submission.script-oJOBID and submission.script-eJOBID.
I have no more ideas. Without RELION it works with every submitjob.
Dear all,
I'm not sure if it's a RELION or a SLURM problem, but maybe someone has some advice for me. I have the following SLURM submit script created from RELION:
SBATCH --job-name=Relion4Job
SBATCH --nodes=1
SBATCH --ntasks=XXXmpinodesXXX
SBATCH --gres=gpu:XXXextra1XXX
SBATCH --cpus-per-task=XXXthreadsXXX
SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=XXXextra2XXX
SBATCH --partition=XXXqueueXXX
SBATCH --output=XXXoutfileXXX
SBATCH --error=XXXerrfileXXX
module purge module load RELION
srun --mpi=pmi2 XXXcommandXXX
The script works the same way, but the --output and --error data are not written as run.out and err.out but in the "root directory" as submission.script-oJOBID and submission.script-eJOBID.
I have no more ideas. Without RELION it works with every submitjob.
Thanks in advance, all the best. Juergen