3design / GlobalBrainConsortium.org

This is meant as a replacement website for the GBC2020
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Include a News #77

Closed oldgandalf closed 2 years ago

oldgandalf commented 2 years ago

2nd. International Neurodevelopment Congress. Organized by the Neurodevelopment Research Unit, Institute for Neurobiology, UNAM. Led by Dr. Thalia Harmony. September 8-10, 2022 Virtual https://www.neurodevelopmentcongress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/congresoneurodesarrollo/

The image for the announcement can be taken from the webpage

oldgandalf commented 2 years ago

I have uploaded all necessary information to create the News here: https://lstneuro.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/GlobalBrainConsortiumGBC/EmzfehPNyXJHt7o0xLqHNx0B0aEKfk815gPHU0fzFAJClw?e=lncEvT

christinerogers commented 2 years ago

Hi Bosch could you kindly include all / brief details for the briefly in this issue? Then I can review it and green-light it

oldgandalf commented 2 years ago

Hi Christine. I don't understand, I put all the details in Teams. What do you need?

oldgandalf commented 2 years ago

I put some more images. Use the ones best fit you, Derek.

christinerogers commented 2 years ago

@3design do you have all the information here you need? what's missing? thanks

3design commented 2 years ago


christinerogers commented 2 years ago

👍 good enough and merci derek