3dmol / 3Dmol.js

WebGL accelerated JavaScript molecular graphics library
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Offer CDN usage through JSDelivr #13

Closed ghutchis closed 9 years ago

ghutchis commented 9 years ago

http://www.jsdelivr.com is a free versioned CDN for GitHub hosted (and other) JS libraries, CSS, etc. To add resources, you create a pull request at GitHub and ideally add an update.json file, e.g.

{ "packageManager": "github", "name": "morris.js", "repo": "morrisjs/morris.js", "files": { "include": ["morris.css", "morris.js", "morris.min.js"] } }

At that point, when 3Dmol.js releases are tagged on GitHub, JSDelivr will auto-update.

It seems natural to offer releases of 3Dmol.js through the service for distributed world-wide use.

ghutchis commented 9 years ago

JSDelivr is here: https://github.com/jsdelivr/jsdelivr

dkoes commented 9 years ago

That looks really nice. My main concern is there doesn't seem to be any support for analytics, which are very nice to have when submitting grant status reports. I suppose I could inject my own tracking code..

ghutchis commented 9 years ago

I'd suggest embedding minor tracking code - even just pinging a particular URL after page load. For grant reporting, it seems like you'd want to know what servers are using your code (e.g., mine) as well as the number of visitors, platform (e.g., mobile), etc.

Even ignoring CDN, I could download or fork your code, which would decrease your reporting statistics.

ghutchis commented 9 years ago

This is now resolved, thanks: