3dmol / 3Dmol.js

WebGL accelerated JavaScript molecular graphics library
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Issue with v2.3.0 and above #812

Open rodrigoalcarazdelaosa opened 1 day ago

rodrigoalcarazdelaosa commented 1 day ago

[:LABEL:] Could be a bug introduced in v2.3.0?

Description On my Hugo website (source here, using this shortcode), I'm showing several 3D models (the one that appears first, just below the 2D molecule shown here, is this one). They show fine using v2.2.1 and lower, but from v2.30 and above I can't get them to work on my recent machine (MacBook Pro from 2023). They simply don't appear, but I can't see any errors in my console or anything. Several users navigating to my site have reported the same, using many different computer configurations and browsers.

Could this be related to the fairly significant changes in the rendering pipeline that may cause problems with older devices introduced in v2.3.0?

Relevant Context If you want/need to build my site locally, you'll need to install Hugo Extended and Go, and just use the view.sh script. After that you want to navigate to http://localhost:1313/recursos-fisica-quimica/apuntes/formulacion-nomenclatura-quimica/organica/. I'm loading the 3Dmol.js script at the end of my head.

Please let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you very much.

dkoes commented 1 day ago

In the hopes you can save me debugging time - any idea why view.sh is failing complaining about the version of go despite the right version being installed?

Error: command error: failed to load modules: failed to download modules: failed to execute 'go [mod download -modcacherw]': failed to execute binary "go" with args [mod download -modcacherw]: go: go.mod requires go >= 1.23 (running go 1.22.6)
dkoes@jedi:~/git/fisiquimicamente$ go version
go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
dkoes@jedi:~/git/fisiquimicamente$ hugo version
hugo v0.134.1-2f89169baa87a9db47e288b60705f4e99e21a945+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2024-09-05T10:17:50Z VendorInfo=snap:0.134.1
rodrigoalcarazdelaosa commented 1 day ago

In the hopes you can save me debugging time - any idea why view.sh is failing complaining about the version of go despite the right version being installed?

No idea but you can try manually changing this line to go 1.22 and see if that helps.

dkoes commented 1 day ago

I've reproduced some problems. The main issue is incorrect handling of background alpha with the new rendering pipeline, although this results in "ghost" molecules rather than no molecules for me. The other issue I noticed was that the spin animation was super slow due to all the viewers updating at the same time even though they were hidden (with the old code, we were limited by the maximum supported number of webgl contexts so there were limited numbers of active viewers, now that we aren't limited by the webgl context limit the overhead of updating all the animations on the page got too much). I've fixed this by pausing animations on hidden viewers.

The background alpha issue is going to take more time/thought, but I will try to prioritize it since it is a significant regression.

Screenshot at 2024-09-19 12-48-58

rodrigoalcarazdelaosa commented 1 day ago

Thank you so much for your time, David. For the time being I'll stick to v2.2.1, so I'm not in a hurry in any way.

rodrigoalcarazdelaosa commented 20 hours ago

I've fixed this by pausing animations on hidden viewers.

Related to this, could it be possible to lazyload models, so only those visible in the current screen are actually shown?