3dots / EROptimizer

Elden Ring armor optimizer
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Suggestion: easier way to use specific armor pieces #4

Closed cridus closed 2 years ago

cridus commented 2 years ago

Hello, thanks for this optimizer, it's very useful.
One thing I think would benefit it would be a way to set specific armor pieces to use without having to disable every piece and then enable only the specific ones.

One reason for this, is that for example I usually don't care much about what chest piece I'd have to use, except a few that I disable (the ugly fat ones for example). Though when it happens that I want to use a specific chest piece, I'd have to disable them all and then enable that specific one, but once I've done that, to restore the previous state of the filters I'd have to re-enable all the chest pieces and then manually disable the ones I don't like, once more.

This would be tedious. The way I'm doing it right now is copying the value of the site's LocalStorage item before changing the filters and then re-setting it afterwards 😬

Please take into consideration making a section to set what specific armor pieces to use in the 4 armor slots with dropdown lists, that override the other filters.
Thank you.

3dots commented 2 years ago

I have the "disable all chest pieces" etc. buttons on Armor Sets tab. This is the second time someone uses armor pieces page for this though, so I will add the disable/enable all buttons there as well. The armor pieces page was really an afterthought for users to be able to check individual armor piece data. But I always intended the sets page for enabling/disabling.

cridus commented 2 years ago

But the point is, if you disable all pieces of a type to set a specific one, when you want to go back you'll have to re-enable them all and then go and disable one by one the ones you usually don't want.
If there was a separate section to specify what pieces to use in the 4 armor slots, without having to touch the filters, that problem wouldn't exist.

3dots commented 2 years ago

Hmm. I am not sure I am understanding you. The disables/enables get saved to browser local storage when you run the optimizer. So after that even if you refresh the page, it should have all you disables restored.

3dots commented 2 years ago

Also, I am confused. If you want only a select few pieces, disable all, then reenable only the ones you want? image

cridus commented 2 years ago

Yeah I think I'm not making myself clear.

Let's say this: usually I keep these equips disabled because I don't like how they look:

These are the filters that I'd like to always be set.
Now, let's say that, once, I want to use a specific torso armor piece. Let's say it's the Lord of Blood's Robe. I'd have to disable all the torso armor pieces and enable only that one. Ok.
Now, if I want to go back to the previous filters, I'd have to re-enable all the torso pieces, and then manually go back and disable the following, one by one:

This would be tedious. Especially because I'm used to the old Mugenmonkey DS3 character planner where you can disable specific armor pieces but also specify which ones to use in each slot, which overrides the filters:


That way, you can force a specific armor piece in a slot without touching the filters.

3dots commented 2 years ago

Oh, interesting. Yeah, I can implement that. Might take me a weekend or two.

3dots commented 2 years ago

Coded and deployed:


cridus commented 2 years ago

Thank you!