3dproger / AxelChatWidgets

Web widgets for AxelChat https://github.com/3dproger/AxelChat
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Chat Highlight Widget #11

Open SpacemannFinn opened 2 months ago

SpacemannFinn commented 2 months ago

Unlike everything else, this is a whole new chat widget. A tool that allows you to select any of the chat message from any service and spawn the message. It can be styled to allow for cleaner slide in etc.

The highlight would appear on screen somewhat like this Big A - Why Indie Games Are Dominating   TWLFEiuixyI - 1465x824 - 0m00s

Should include info: Username Appropriate badges Chat message in entirety

3dproger commented 2 months ago

Looks interesting, thanks for the suggestion!

SpacemannFinn commented 11 hours ago

Hi Axel, this may be a random question. Is there a donation amount upon which you will focus and complete a certain widget? This widget is something I am finding myself more in need of and I would gladly donate for it. I tried to make the extension but I am either lacking the knowledge or don't know the program well enough to do it.

Happy to produce a user story if that'll help