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try to put Riv animation on HomeView.vue but failed .. #173

Closed leechiuhui closed 1 month ago

leechiuhui commented 1 month ago


截圖 2024-09-06 下午5 37 30

Please review the commits on HomeView.vue and /src/components/RiveComponent.vue when convenient, no rush..

leechiuhui commented 1 month ago
截圖 2024-09-06 晚上9 30 05 截圖 2024-09-06 晚上9 57 46
bestian commented 1 month ago

@leechiuhui 首頁沒問題,可是路由一切換就出bug了~ 我對rive的導入完全沒概念,不知從何修改

leechiuhui commented 1 month ago


bestian commented 1 month ago

也有可能是我把路由的模式改成History mode意外引發的,今天外出沒辦法再檢測修正了


leechiuhui commented 4 weeks ago

@bestian 謝謝老師。今天仍有直播工作,無法進一步測試,但簡單記錄一下:

  1. Hash mode 和 history mode的差別?
  2. 什麼是惰性載入?
  3. 為何改成惰性載入就ok了?
  4. 之前的component: () => import(/ webpackChunkName: "about" / '../views/FriendsView.vue')已經是惰性載入了?為何之前HomeView沒有惰性載入?
  1. 參照https://help.rive.app/runtimes/overview/vue Currently, there is no official Rive "Vue"-specific runtime available, however, you can utilize the Web runtime packages in your Vue applications. Check out this examplehttps://github.com/Coded-Clouds/Rive_Vue_ExampleApp) from the community.

  2. 詢問ChatGPT如何做 https://chatgpt.com/c/d01d0598-a5eb-4dfa-bc8b-c22fb51a9094 改動了vue.config.js HomeView.vue 新增RiveComponent.vue 安裝 Rive SDK yarn add rive-js yarn add file-loader --dev

  3. 但不work

https://github.com/flowreaction/rive-vue https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/vue-rive-example-sqpbts https://morty.tw/js-4-rive https://rivevue.netlify.app/#/ https://rive.app/community/forums/feature-requests/fsyCzA4A9Yar/vue-support/ftlsNuUFUt0E Vue Support It's unusual to see a tool geared towards the web which eschews Vue support. While Vue may not be quite as popular as React, it is still widely used, and offering support (be it a simple wrapper, or something more) would go a long way for the community. It would be great to see this offered as a feature in the future.
很少看到一個面向Web的工具避開了對 Vue 的支援。雖然 Vue 可能不像 React 那樣流行,但它仍然被廣泛使用,並且提供支援(無論是簡單的包裝器,還是其他東西)對社區大有説明。如果將來能看到此功能作為一項功能提供,那就太好了。

截圖 2024-09-08 上午8 04 02
bestian commented 4 weeks ago


@bestian 謝謝老師。今天仍有直播工作,無法進一步測試,但簡單記錄一下:

  • [x] ### Question疑問:
  1. Hash mode 和 history mode的差別?

    hash mode
  2. 什麼是惰性載入?

惰性載入就是等到路由切換到某頁, 例如maps, 才會從router/index 載入maps的對應組件,這樣可以加速初始化並且避免一些問題

  1. 為何改成惰性載入就ok了?

就我所以,應該是HomeView要求有一個canvas主體來初始化Rive, 但在別的路由對應的組件並沒有一個canvas在template中,App.vue中也沒有,所以在別的路由啟動時,不要載入HomeView才對

  1. 之前的component: () => import(/ webpackChunkName: "about" / '../views/FriendsView.vue')已經是惰性載入了?為何之前HomeView沒有惰性載入?

用Vue Cli初始一個Vue專案時,它的Default是用"及早求值"的方式來載入HomeView。 這也合理,因為首頁會最先顯示,"及早求值"會快一點點

note: 可以用英文關鍵字查eager evaluation vs lazy evalution找到更多

leechiuhui commented 4 weeks ago

懂了,謝謝老師以上清楚回覆有關:何謂惰性載入和及早求值(eager evaluation vs lazy evalution)。