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Contain and compress dataset using cimx #280

Closed Sveino closed 7 months ago

Sveino commented 1 year ago

Instance file (document) based on the 61970-series and 61968-13 (CDPSM) can be exchanged using the format/syntax defined in IEC 61970-552 CIMXML Model exchange format . There is also a plan to create a 61970-553 that describe the use of JSON-LD. IEC 61970-600-1 describe how zip can be used for containing and compressing the CIMXML files. There have been some request to get a better way to contain information, avoid use of file naming-standards and provide providence and process based meta-data.

Related to #219

This proposal is inspired by Office Open XML File Formats specification In short this means that we create a zip file that we give the file extension .cimx (similar to .docx). Renaming a .docx to zip we can unzip it and get the following structure: image

Suggest the following structure: manifest.xml manifest.jsonld [Support] #(Asset, AssetCatalog, Customer) [Support\CIMXML] [Support\XML] [Support\CIMJSON-LD] [Grid] [Grid\CIMXML] [Grid\CIMJSON-LD] [Market] [Schedule] [Schedule[2022] (Year) [Schedule[2022\01] (month) [Schedule[2022\01\12] (day) [_rels] (providence) [ReferenceData] [ReferenceData\CIMXML] [ReferenceData\CIMJSON-LD] [Settings] [Profile] [Profile\Grid\v1\RDFXML] [Profile\Grid\v2\RDFXML] [Profile\Grid\v2\JSON-LD] [Profile\Custom\ENTSO-E\v2\RDFXML]

Sveino commented 1 year ago

There is a proposal on using: Parquet (GZIP) https://parquet.apache.org/docs/file-format/

Compare zip and gzip: http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-zip-and-gzip/

-> I think ZIP will be more than sufficient for our use case.

If there are disagreement we should make a clear complacence with real cases.

ThomasRanvikEriksen commented 1 year ago

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