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CIM for the Norwegian Power Utility
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BusSegment for busbar modeling #282

Closed Sveino closed 7 months ago

Sveino commented 1 year ago

The following issue has been created at UCAig: 5868 " The current BusBarSection class is a single terminal ConductingEquipment that represents where the physical busbar is in the substation. In a recent use case presented from SaskPower (by Chuck and jointly with Judy), the busbar construction could be phased and different materials might be used among phases. This will lead to a single busbar with multiple ratings (flow & voltage) and in a practical power-flow study, they would be modeled as multiple buses in order to report violations properly. "

This will be a topic in UCAig TF meeting in week 7 (13 – 17 February) . Need to clarify is cover Lnett needs.

EmilieSkog commented 1 year ago

L-nett converts the GIS object to a BusbarSection as a one terminal device.