3lbits / CIM4NoUtility

CIM for the Norwegian Power Utility
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Suggested model for "Norsk Luftfart" reporting (Site, Location, PositionPoint) #336

Open ThomasRanvikEriksen opened 5 months ago

ThomasRanvikEriksen commented 5 months ago

Reference: Syntax for Compound: #284

We need in the first version to address the classes for: "Linje Trasee" and "Pole"

We also need to address the attributes:

status (Tower/Line) komponentident (Tower/Line) verifisertRapporteringsnøyaktighet (Tower/Line) komponentkodeverdi (Tower/Line) vertikalAvstand (Tower/Line) luftfartshindermerking (Tower/Line) luftfartshinderlyssetting (Tower/Line) luftspennType (Line) anleggsbredde (Line) høydereferanse (Tower/Line) mastType (Tower)

"Linje Trasee":




Here is an shorten geojson example that Kartverket accepts:

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
            "name": "EPSG:5972"
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "LineString",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "featureType": "NrlLuftspenn",
                "status": "eksisterende",
                "komponentident": "10170175-fe5f-438e-ab26-a279a007e50b",
                "referanse": {
                    "komponentkodeverdi": "184936216"
                "vertikalAvstand": 9.69,
                "høydereferanse": "topp",
                "luftspennType": "høgspent",
                "anleggsbredde": 3.99
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "featureType": "NrlMast",
                "komponentident": "3754e8c4-9ce8-4718-bdf4-fcaa70e1f614",
                "referanse": {
                    "komponentkodeverdi": "153292796"
EmilieSkog commented 5 months ago

Structure components as used in DIGIN Produktdata. Asset groups in bold

Line support (”mast”) – complete structure excluding wires: Line supports are the general functional structures (container) to keep proper spacing between the conductors and between conductors and ground. Line supports consist of several parts like poles (single or multiple), a tower (single only and not in combination with poles), cross arms, foundations, insulators etc. Line supports can be divided into numerous different components depending on what the data model must cover. In the following sub sections some parts (groups) that are relevant for asset management is covered and not necessary every single piece of equipment. image image image

Pole (Norwegian term “stolpe”): Poles are part of a line support and is a single pole of wood, concrete or composite. Poles can also include guy wires, pole top caps and signs attached to the pole. A push brace pole on the other hand is a subtype of poles. image

Tower (Norwegian term “tårn”): Towers are part of a line support and is a steel or concrete structure to carry conductors, insulators and ground wires. Towers include Cross arms. image

Cross arm (Norwegian term “travers”): Cross arm is part of line supports and is the horizontal structure on or near to the top of a mast, which supports the insulators/conductors and other electrical equipment. In a tower, it is a part of the tower structure itself. image

Foundation (Norwegian term “fundament”): Foundations are part of a line support and are usually one large block of concrete, or multiple blocks of concrete, where line supports are fixed to the ground. image

Insulators (Norwegian term “isolatorer”): Insulators are part of a line support and isolate conductor voltage from cross-arm or tower. Insulators can also include dampers. image

Platform (Norwegian term “plattform”): A platform is a horizontal structure mounted in a mast, for personnel to stand on when performing work on the equipment in the mast (fuse replacement etc). image

Pole supports (Norwegian term “Barduner/stag”): A pole can be made more fixed and mechanical stable by guy-wire or similar equipment. A guy-wire, guy-line, or guy-rope also known as simply a guy, is a tensioned wire designed to add stability to a free-standing structure. Other types of equipment are cross braces (fixing poles to other poles or poles to structures/ground) and anchors (fixing guy wires to the ground). Asset types: Guy wire (“Bardun”), Anchor («Jordanker»), Cross Brace («Stag») image image

VladimirAlexiev commented 4 months ago

https://github.com/3lbits/ElBits_Utillity_Standardization/issues/340 discusses reporting "measured" vs "nominal" coordinates.