3lbits / CIM4NoUtility

CIM for the Norwegian Power Utility
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Update isVersionOf URI #349

Open Sveino opened 1 month ago

Sveino commented 1 month ago

We would like to make everything resolvable URI. For dcat:isVersionOf we use currently:

    "dcat:isVersionOf": {
        "@id": "https://digin.no/baseprofile/DIGIN10-30-LV1_DL"

As we will no longer use digin.no we need to changes this. We can either use elbits, create a new or use what ENTSO-E i planning: " The www.model4powersystem.eu domain intends at referencing the power system models, or Individual Grid Model (IGM) and Common Grid Model (CGM) as stated in the network code. "

Some example are: test.model4powersystem.eu/Telemark/ model4powersystem.eu/test/Telemark/

I think it is important that we include Telemark (maybe Telemakre110) and that it is test model or synthetic model (if we are able to later)

EmilieSkog commented 1 month ago

Will use test.model4powersystem.eu/Telemark/ Want to avoid using organisation names and will use what ENTSO-E is planning. Want to have the environment first in the URI.

EmilieSkog commented 1 month ago

@Sveino what about "dcterms:spatial"?

EmilieSkog commented 1 month ago

@Sveino what about "dcterms:spatial"?

Will use ](https://energy.referencedata.eu/Test/Frame/NO-Telemark-MV1%22/%3E)

EmilieSkog commented 3 weeks ago

This must be applied to remaining profiles. Currently only changed for AO