3liz / lizmap-web-client

Transfer a QGIS project on a server, Lizmap is providing the web interface to browse it
Mozilla Public License 2.0
257 stars 143 forks source link

Differences Lizmap 3.8.0-rc.3 - 3.7.10pre - 3.6.14 #4431

Closed guenterw closed 2 weeks ago

guenterw commented 4 months ago

What is the question? (in English)

I would like to use version 3.7.x productively, but in my experience it still has some disadvantages compared to 3.6.12 (see below). Will these still be fixed?

The error (Issue 4382) still exists (https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-web-client/issues/4382)

The actively selected element is displayed with a time delay. image

The legend does not correspond to version 3.6.12: 3.6.12: image

3.7.7pre: image

Examples under: https://reute.webgis.biz (3.6.12) https://reute3-7.webgis.biz (3.7.7-pre.7428)

Versions, safeguards, check summary etc

Versions :

List of safeguards :
* Mode : normal * Allow parent folder : yes * Number of parent : 2 folder(s) * Prevent other drive : no * Prevent PG service : yes * Prevent PG Auth DB : yes * Force PG user&pass : yes * Prevent ECW : yes

Check Lizmap plugin

Operating system

Ubuntu 20.04. (Server), Win10 (Desktop)



Browsers version


Relevant log output

No response

Gustry commented 4 months ago

The actively selected element is displayed with a time delay.

Do you mean the geometric difference between the yellow line and the border green/pink ? After the delay, then it's OK right ? you took the screenshot in a special timeframe quickly, right ?

If yes, then it's unfortunetaly expected. Can you try LWC 3.8 ? It should be OK if I understood correctly under the hood from @nboisteault

For the legend :


The src attribute is empty.

So I checked in the network tab of the webbrowser the getLegendGraphic request, there is an icon :

curl 'https://reute3-7.webgis.biz/index.php/lizmap/service' -X POST -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0' -H 'Accept: /' -H 'Accept-Language: fr-FR,en-US;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Referer: https://reute3-7.webgis.biz/index.php/view/map?repository=jagd&project=Jagdkataster' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' -H 'Origin: https://reute3-7.webgis.biz' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=su2oikr3o4nto1r3irbib0c0lk' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' --data-raw 'repository=jagd&project=Jagdkataster&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&VERSION=1.3.0&FORMAT=application%2Fjson&LAYER=Politische_Grenzen%2Cjagdkataster%2CALKIS%2CGebaeudeschraffuren%2Cflurstuecksinfo_oe_1%2Cfnp%2CReute_2023_20cm%2Cl_0%2CFFH-Gebiete%2CFliessgewaesser_10000_AWGN%2CLandschaftsschutzgebiet%2CNaturdenkmal__Einzelgebilde_M1%2Cflachenhaftes_Naturdenkmal_M1%2CNaturschutzgebietM2%2CVogelschutzgebiet%2CWaldschutzgebiet%2CWasserschutzgebietM1%2CWasserschutzgebietszone_M1&STYLES=default%2Cdefault%2C%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2C%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault%2Cdefault'

                    "symbols": [
                            "title": "Bahnverkehr, Platz"
                            "icon": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8\/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA9hAAAPYQGoP6dpAAAAT0lEQVQ4jWOsr6\/\/z4ADNDY2MiLzsarFZwA+UF9f\/7++vv4\/EzmaqeICGKDYBRQbwEhYCXYA8\/rAe4FyA4Z+NFKeDmBhQFTOgwJktRS7AAAlYB1+mu6cHQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
                            "title": "Br\u00fccke, Hochbahn\/-stra\u00dfe"
                    "title": "Grenzen (Verkehr)",
                    "type": "layer"

Correct layer, right ?

Can you share a screenshot of symbology for the layer ALKIS-Daten ? it looks like a complex rule based rendering ? in the vector layer properties

guenterw commented 4 months ago

@Gustry Thanks for the quick feedback

The actively selected element is displayed with a time delay.

Yes, everything is ok after the delay. It's not that important, just noticed compared to 3.6.12. I would be happy to test this with 3.8.Alpha2.

ALKIS-Daten: The ALKIS data is quite complex and certainly only a "German problem". The data and the symbolism are integrated/used in QGIS via the QGIS plugin "norGIS ALKIS-Einbindung" by Jürgen Fischer. If you are interested, I can provide a data export from the DB or an access to the DB. From mid-June, the data will hopefully also be OpenData for us (Baden-Württemberg)

Grenzen (Verkehr) image

The only astonishing thing is that it looks good in 3.6.12 For me personally, this is not a problem at the moment, as I normally make the ALKIS data available as WMS services (with version 3.6.x). My main problem with 3.7.x at the moment is https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-web-client/issues/4382

guenterw commented 4 months ago

In QGIS, src is set for "Grenzen (Verkehr)":


Gustry commented 4 months ago

Hum, I was expecting a rule based rendering symbology for that layer.

I just noticed :

QGIS Desktop : 3.22.16 QGIS Server : 3.22.16

This is an issue I think. I know, it's "legacy" supported in the release, but the legend in this JSON format is quite new in QGIS server. A lot of bugfix happened in 3.28 and also now in 3.34. As explained in #4367 Other QGIS Server developers or ourselves can only do bugfix about this JSON legend in QGIS 3.34 now. Can you upgrade ? At least to 3.28 ? It's an issue for us as well.

guenterw commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, an upgrade is not so easy, as an upgrade (or new server) from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 is required. However, this is planned and until then I can make do with the WMS services from 3.6.12.

But what about https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-web-client/issues/4382 ?

Gustry commented 4 months ago

I understand, but QGIS 3.22 didn't get any update for more than a year now (2023-02-03). And given how new the legend in the JSON format was new at that time of 3.22, a few bugfix have been fixed in the meantime, 3.28 or even only in 3.34 recently.

Maintaining the stack of versions is "complex" and we are reducing allowed versions.

From mid-June, the data will hopefully also be OpenData for us (Baden-Württemberg)

So Cadastral data will be opendata soon ? (buildings and land boundaries) ? You can send me a small DB export (FlatGeobuf) if possible of the layer with the project by mail.

guenterw commented 4 months ago

I have now also published the project under 3.8.0 Alpha.2 (dated 14.05.2024 14:14). Now with QGIS Server und Desktop 3.34.6 See https://cx21-8.webgis.biz project “Test Jagdkataster 3.8.0 Alpha.2”


The "Linien (Politische Grenzen)" are not yet displayed, but they are in 3.6.12: image

Definition in QGIS: image

Cadastral data: Unfortunately, the cadastre and surveying in Germany is subject to federalism. Every federal state does it differently. Some have had almost everything as OpenData for years. Some, like Baden-Württemberg, have not yet done anything. But as of June 9, all federal states must make certain high-quality datasets (including buildings and land boundaries) available as OpenData on the basis of the OpenData Directive (DVO (EU) 2023/138). We have been waiting a long time for this.

I'll put together a small project with the relevant data and send it to you by e-mail

guenterw commented 4 months ago

now all 3 versions (3.6.13, 3.7.8, 3.8.0 Alpha.2) of the project "Test Jagdkataster..." are on the same (small) test server at:

Versions :

List of safeguards :
* Mode : normal * Allow parent folder : yes * Number of parent : 2 folder(s) * Prevent other drive : no * Prevent PG service : yes * Prevent PG Auth DB : yes * Force PG user&pass : yes * Prevent ECW : yes
guenterw commented 4 months ago

A short feedback after the conversion of the first larger productive projects from 3.6.13 to 3.7.8.

Overall, the update went without any major problems and offers real added value, especially when using the QGIS themes.

One thing that stood out:

But overall an improvement with new possibilities. Many thanks for that.

Gustry commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry @guenterw this looks like a "meta ticket". What is the status about this ticket or feedbacks ? Some tickets quoted above are now closed ;-)

guenterw commented 2 weeks ago

@Gustry, Yes, most of it is probably outdated or has been clarified. Only this bug https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-web-client/issues/4652 is still open in my opinion. We can close this here.

Gustry commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the feedback.