I'm trying to edit a layer with tow geometry column and is not working :(
Here the SQL to create my table
CREATE TABLE immobilier.imm_insalubrites_test
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('immobilier.imm_insalubrites_test_id_seq'::regclass),
refcad character varying(15) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
numero_boites character varying(5) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
mesures text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
date_debut date,
date_fin date,
geom geometry(MultiPoint,31370),
geompoly geometry(MultiPolygon,31370),
CONSTRAINT pk_imm_insalubrites_test PRIMARY KEY (id)
I have a TRIGGER and a FUNCTION in Postgis to update the filed geompoly when I do insert or update.
we use that to avoid digitize a polygon an instead use a point, it's easier for the end user.
In QGIS (2.18.13) it's working very well but not in lizmap (master branch)
In log I have this :
ERREUR: parse error - invalid geometry
ASTUCE : "" <-- parse error at position 1 within geometry
INSTRUCTION : SELECT GeometryType(ST_GeomFromText('', 31370)) as geomtype
Do you have an idea ?
It's a bug or a limitation of lizmap ?
I'm trying to edit a layer with tow geometry column and is not working :(
Here the SQL to create my table
I have a TRIGGER and a FUNCTION in Postgis to update the filed geompoly when I do insert or update.
we use that to avoid digitize a polygon an instead use a point, it's easier for the end user.
In QGIS (2.18.13) it's working very well but not in lizmap (master branch)
In log I have this : ERREUR: parse error - invalid geometry ASTUCE : "" <-- parse error at position 1 within geometry INSTRUCTION : SELECT GeometryType(ST_GeomFromText('', 31370)) as geomtype
Do you have an idea ? It's a bug or a limitation of lizmap ?
In advance Thx