3liz / qgis-atlasprint

Export PDF using composer atlas feature, usable in server
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Images in report are not displayed #46

Open arno974 opened 2 years ago

arno974 commented 2 years ago

We would like to add images in a report. While the attributes are displayed correctly, this is not the case for the image. The PDF report has to be refresh (F5) several times to display the image. Maybe is it because the PDF is generated faster than the time required to include the image ?

Gustry commented 2 years ago

@rldhont made some tweaks in the QGIS Server code about fetching images to make it async when rendering GetMap.

But I'm not sure how it is in the Atlas/Report print. https://qgis.org/api/classQgsLayoutExporter.html

Gustry commented 2 years ago

@arno974 Can you report us the version of QGIS Server ?

arno974 commented 2 years ago

It is a 3Liz hosting service. Not sure which QGIS version it is.

Gustry commented 1 month ago

Is this issue still valid ? Can you try again with an up to date version of QGIS Server ?

Your QGIS Server version is written in your plugin first tab, or in your Lizmap Web Client administration panel.