3liz / qgis-pgmetadata-plugin

QGIS Plugin to manage some metadata from PostgreSQL layer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Foss4G 2021 questions during the PgMetadata presentation #84

Open mdouchin opened 2 years ago

mdouchin commented 2 years ago

your model seems quite different then the metadata extension in geopackage, did you consider to adopt the geopackage model for metadata?

Do you have the ability to ingest or export to different ISO metadata standards? e.g. required by governments, etc.

Are there applications for publishing the metadata as CSW or OGCAPI endpoints

Is it correct that it is not possible to harvest the metadata directly? fo example from Geonetwork

Is it possible to store the metadata in another database or has to be for each database an own schema?

Can it ingest metadata from a remote CSW or OGC API source?

Is there any overlap with the 'Layer Metadata Search' plugin?

Does pgMetadata integrate with QGIS Layer Properties metadata? If so, how?

Do you plan a GeoNetwork Harvester ? xml exports(MEF)?

How to manage multilingual metadata?

cc @Gustry

effjot commented 2 years ago

I’ve fond the slides here: https://docs.3liz.org/presentations/2021-09-Foss4G-PgMetadata.html Will there be a video of the talk, too?

Gustry commented 2 years ago

Video from the FOSS4G will be available soon, in a few weeks. They are busy on it. Just as a backup, we have the video here about slides only : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTXkhRCN0QI but we want to wait for the official video because it will have the questions, discussions and the demo

effjot commented 2 years ago


DeWonderWoman commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to get the video link of the presentation wherein there is a discussion about the questions asked ? I couldn't find the video on youtube, I only see videos with the explanation of the plugin.

Gustry commented 2 years ago

The video is on youtube if you search "pgmetadata foss4g", it's the video with questions at the end. The video is also under "References" on the PgMetadata documentation website https://docs.3liz.org/qgis-pgmetadata-plugin