3lvis / DATASource

Core Data's NSFetchedResultsController wrapper for UITableView and UICollectionView
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Ability to disable section index #37

Closed syky27 closed 8 years ago

syky27 commented 8 years ago

Hi! Due the fact that I could not override func sectionIndexTitlesForTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> [String]? I forked your repo and create a argument in constructor ti disable section index, because I really dont need one in my app, I twisted it only for Swift UITableView as you can see here: https://github.com/AJTY/DATASource/commit/8fe934ebd44d82712c61ee26ecfa12cd5e4bcdbf

In case this is something you would like to have in your project, you can either think of better way how to do that, or I can get it done for all other usage of DATASource and then I can create pull request.

Let me know, if you want me to help you with this or if you are even interested in it. In case I was doing something wrong and I did not needed to do that to achieve what I wanted, throw on me all the dirt you have.

Thanks Syky.

3lvis commented 8 years ago

Hi Tomas!

I tried and made it work, I found a typo too! So it would be great if you updated to DATASource 5.0.2 before trying this.

The section grouping is cool, but I don't want the indexes

You can disable the indexes by overwritting the method that generates them and just return an empty list of indexes. Add the DATASourceDelegate protocol to your controller then:

self.dataSource.delegate = self

func sectionIndexTitlesForDataSource(dataSource: DATASource, tableView: UITableView) -> [String] {
    return [String]()

Added it to the README too: https://github.com/3lvis/DATASource/blob/master/README.md#the-section-grouping-is-cool-but-i-dont-want-the-indexes