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Formula to sum fields added from templates #379

Open jeffleeismyhero opened 9 years ago

jeffleeismyhero commented 9 years ago

I have a calculated field total as a value of price * quantity. Additional sections can be added via templates with the same fields so that moretickets[:index].total = moretickets[:index].price * moretickets[:index].quantity.

I would like to have a field at the bottom of my form that dynamically updates with sum or "Grand Total" of the total and moretickets[:index].total fields.

Is this currently possible using the formula/target process?

3lvis commented 9 years ago

At the moment we don't have support for this out of the box, I will take some time tomorrow to see how we can achieve this with the current setup and also if it would be possible to add this as a feature.

I get the feeling that this could be a useful feature ;)

jeffleeismyhero commented 9 years ago

This is mostly working. However, the application crashes when I run this method and subsequently attempt to remove a section added via a template.

- (void)updateButtonAction {
    NSNumber *grandTotal = 0;
    NSDictionary *values = [self.dataSource values];

    for (NSString *key in values) {
        HYPParsedRelationship *parsedRelationship = [key hyp_parseRelationship];
        if (key && [parsedRelationship.attribute isEqualToString:@"total"]) {
          NSString *totalValue = values[key];
          if (totalValue != (id)[NSNull null]) {
            grandTotal = @([grandTotal floatValue] + [totalValue floatValue]);

    [self.dataSource reloadWithDictionary:@{@"grand-total" : grandTotal}];
    [self.collectionView reloadData];


              "title":"Ticket Type",
              "info":"Type of ticket",
                  "title":"3-Day Adult Ticket ($39)",
                  "title":"3-Day Child Ticket ($10)",
              "title":"Start date",
              "info":"Tickets are valid starting on this date",
              "formula":"$quantity * $price"
      "title":"Add Additional Tickets",
          "action_title":"✛ ADD ANOTHER TICKET ✛",
              "title":"Grand Total",
            "title":"Ticket Type",
            "info":"Type of ticket",
                "title":"3-Day Adult Ticket ($39)",
                "title":"3-Day Child Ticket ($10)",
            "title":"Start date",
            "info":"Tickets are valid starting on this date",
            "formula":"$moretickets[:index].quantity * $moretickets[:index].price"
jeffleeismyhero commented 9 years ago

The crash issue was resolved by renaming the "grand-total" field to "grand_total". It seems that the dash did not place nicely with setValuesForKeysWithDictionary