3ndG4me / AutoBlue-MS17-010

This is just an semi-automated fully working, no-bs, non-metasploit version of the public exploit code for MS17-010
MIT License
1.19k stars 311 forks source link

Organizing the code. #19

Closed f9kill closed 4 years ago

3ndG4me commented 4 years ago

Hey, this is a great PR, but I've decided not to merge it in simply because it's not universally applicable. This looks like a check you like to have in place but maybe isn't wholly necessary (it doesn't solve any known issues/enhance the current state of the script). Consider the fact that you've added a check for msfvenom here, but there's nothing for the listener script that checks for msfconsole/metasploit itself to be installed. Rather than changing the scripts for this we could simply add a dependency notice to the README.

If you'd like to make the shell prep script more organized for everyone consider opening an issue describing a problem you're trying to solve/enhancement you want to make in more detail, and submit another PR that provides a solution.

Again, great PR, and I know I have no contribution guidelines for this repo, but this particular change just isn't necessary on its own. Thank you for contributing though, I hope to see more enhancements in the future!