3nids / quickfinder

Quick Finder is a QGIS 2.x plugin offering a single place to perform searches on project layers and online remote services
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Layer disappers #24

Closed dbpatni closed 9 years ago

dbpatni commented 9 years ago


I am able to search in remote areas and correctly displayed but when I do a project search it returns a valid object in the layer.

But other objects in the same layer and other layers are not visible.


Deepak Patni

spaceof7 commented 9 years ago

I think I had the same problem which was caused by the layer CRS not matching the project CRS. It looks like the plugin finds the coordinates of the object in the layer's CRS and zooms to those coordinates without checking to make sure the project CRS is the same. If you set the project CRS to match that of the layer then that might solve your problem.

3nids commented 9 years ago

fixed in 3.2.8