3nids / quickfinder

Quick Finder is a QGIS 2.x plugin offering a single place to perform searches on project layers and online remote services
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Search in children relations #58

Open Bobolica opened 7 years ago

Bobolica commented 7 years ago

Hi, thank you for your work. I work on a cemetery project based on relations. Here is my case: we have 2 layers:

The deceased people table is related to emplacements as a children table. There could be many people in one emplacement. The system is similar with the assignees that have rights on the grave.

My wish is to look for someone in either Deceased or assignees and find where he is. It means that finding the name, it would relate to the emplacement and where it is. Unfortunatly, it appears that I'm not allowed to choose a non geometric table in the quickfinder configuration.

I don't know how complicate it would be to do this. Thanks anyway ! Bobo