3rd-Eden / memcached

A fully featured Memcached client build on top of Node.js. Build with scaling in mind so it will support Memcached clusters and consistent hashing.
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memcached.end() not works #247

Open breeeew opened 9 years ago

breeeew commented 9 years ago

In first console:

var memc = new Memcached("");
memc.add("foo", "bar", 10000, function(err, data){console.log(data)});
memc.get("foo", function(err, data){console.log(data)});

Second console:

var memc = new Memcached("");
memc.get("foo", function(err, data){console.log(data)});

And now in first console:

memc.get("foo", function(err, data){console.log(data)}); // it works, but expected memc is closed after .end()

And in second console:

memc.get("foo", function(err, data){console.log(data)}); // it works too

Documentation says it close ALL active connectkions:

memcached.end Closes all active memcached connections.

lushijie commented 7 years ago

I meet the same question!

thevirus20 commented 7 years ago

Did any 1 of you have resolved this? I tried changing the code to experiment different end/release method to remove connection. Like in memcahced.end method added

memcached.connections[key].end(true);//replace free with end with hard set to true to force destroy connection

But all of them fails...

Any 1 has any update or solution/alternate to this issue. It is(may be) causing serious issue when there traffic on server is coming with 8k qps.

cleverzhang commented 6 years ago

I meet the same question too!

viamuli commented 5 years ago

Same here - tested with NodeJS 8.x and 10.x

taimoorgit commented 3 years ago

Still having this issue with Node.js 14 LTS. Decided to use memjs instead, it also supports promises.