3rd-ways-for-EU-exposure-notification / project-DESIRE

Inria 3rd-way proposal for a European Exposure Notification System
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Role of EK_A (Is it really needed) #2

Open oblazy opened 4 years ago

oblazy commented 4 years ago


Thanks for this version, there are many things that seem interesting improvements compared to Robert :)

There is something I don't really understand: What is the point of EK_A? As I understand, you use it to encrypt (and authenticate ideally (footnote 12)) the data in IDTable_A .

In Exposure Status Request

The server decrypts using EK_A, and continues. At this step, an "implicit" authentication might be interesting, so i think your footnote 12 is important. (I'd have a comment, iAssuming the server deletes EK_A if he is nothing but 100% trustworthy (not even HBC) is very strong... but oddly i think it's not necessarily useful)

Section 3 Risk Analysis

You say that encryption is here in case of data breach. From my understanding, there are 4 things in IDTable_A: The "connections", SRE_A, and UN_A (and LPEM_A).

So it seems really strange to have an encryption, with facultative authentication.

If I am an adversary interested in the social graph, my attacks are (at best) the same as the server If I want to deanonymize data, same.

However, i might be interested in causing a mess. So i send request for random ID_A, Q=EK'_A If ID_A exist, the server will "decrypt" the data, and without authentication will then rencrypt it and cause a mess:

  1. (ECB) If each element is Encrypted just with the normal key K=EK_A, it's likely that everything will stay the same, except SRE_A that'll become pure random (DEC_K(ENC_Q(time)) is likely close to random)
  2. (CBC/CFB/CTR) If elements are encrypted with key derivation according to their position, and preivous then editing the list will likely change the position of elements, and completety derp the reencryption of those after. So if SRE_A is at the start...
  3. If it's a global encryption, the automatic edition of the SRE_A will also derps everything

Authentication seems really important, to avoid DOS against someone, and (oddly) encryption is probably superfluous if you consider the social graph to be protected against malicious server. (Authentication could be as trivial as the server checking that the decryption has indeed x leading zeros)

Did I miss something? Of course, the space in which ID lives could be huge, making a collision highly unlikely. In this case neither auth or enc would even be required, and it would reduce the server load (which with millions of daily users would likely be happy to avoid several enc/dec for each for them) :)

vincent-grenoble commented 4 years ago

Hello @oblazy. We are happy to see you recognize improvements compared to ROBERT. Great.

1- Small comment regarding the (supposedly) "very strong assumption"

this measure (EK_A encryption) is meant to protect against external attackers who may succeed to connect to the server, not against the authority, so this latter has no reason not to erase EK_A. And if we assume a collusion, then the adversary model is even stronger than our honest but curious one.

2- About the fact the server cannot derive any social graph:

I really don’t know why you mention « the social graph »? In fact:

We really took great care in « preventing by design » any graph inference, not just by assuming the server is honest but curious. That’s a great improvement of DESIRE.

Do you agree or is there anything I’ve missed? It does not answer your question but this is essential since you suggest the opposite.

3- About a DOS if the attacker targets random ID_A with erroneous EK_A

Indeed, it could be an issue, which is why « we recommend the use of an authenticated encryption scheme. » But this claim is in that case too weak and the footnote should be changed. I can also imagine another protection. We’ll discuss internally and come back to you.

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Cheers.