3rd / image.nvim

🖼️ Bringing images to Neovim.
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[bug] Unfolding images causes them to draw at the cursor position (and other weird folding behavior) #110

Closed benlubas closed 3 months ago

benlubas commented 6 months ago

When I fold and then unfold a block of text that has an image in it, the image is drawn at the cursor position until I scroll the buffer, then it's redrawn at it's correct location:


I've had this bug for a little while now, it's just not a big deal so I haven't bothered.

I have a train ride tomorrow so this is one of the things that I will look into.

Here's some more weird stuff that happens with folding document integration images:


note: the black lines are characters from headlines.nvim, not an issue with image rendering also, the very end I think is an issue with molten not clearing images or not deinitializing properly when using :e. probably not an image.nvim issue

benlubas commented 6 months ago

I wonder if this happens to other people with uberzug++, b/c it seems to be a cursor repositioning problem that's somewhat out of our control. I could be totally wrong though.

benlubas commented 3 months ago

can't reproduce on master + nvim nightly (0.10)