3rd / image.nvim

🖼️ Bringing images to Neovim.
MIT License
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[feat] Support for zellij #161

Open KSaiAkshit opened 2 months ago

KSaiAkshit commented 2 months ago

I am unable to get image previews when using zellij + alacritty + ueberzug++. The plugin works just fine when using kitty, but I much prefer using alacritty. Zellij + alacritty do support ueberzug++, I do get image previews when using yazi! Happy to provide anything else you might need

tilupe commented 1 month ago

Same for wezterm. I everything is working fine when I use only the terminal, but when I open a norg file within zellij I just get an empty space

3rd commented 1 month ago

I'd expect ueberzugpp to work with zellij, will check it out.

rxtsel commented 1 month ago

This would be really good

dav1d-wright commented 4 weeks ago

Same here, I use kitty + zellij, and I see an empty space. Is there a way to get this to work with the kitty image protocol?