3rd / image.nvim

🖼️ Bringing images to Neovim.
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Help with rendering images within ObsidianVault #190

Open exosyphon opened 4 days ago

exosyphon commented 4 days ago

Hi, thank you for all your work in getting images inside of Neovim. I am really excited to try and get this working.

I am able to use the minimal setup and also configured my setup to work with this style image:

This is a remote image

Inside of my ObsidianVault, I have an Attachments folder at the root where all of my images are stored.

How can I configure image.nvim to look in this directory when it sees something like this?


I am probably missing something obvious or unsure how to configure resolve_image_path to make this work.

Thank you again for your time and work on this plugin!

3rd commented 3 days ago

Hey, we could probably add a hook for the Markdown integration, it must be trying to load the image from the same directory as the document when it should search for it in a special place. You can patch it in the markdown integration meanwhile.

exosyphon commented 3 days ago

Will do. Here's what I have hard coded and got it to render correctly.

          elseif current_image and key == "url" then
            current_image.url = "~/Documents/ObsidianVault/Attachments/" .. value
            table.insert(images, current_image)
            current_image = nil