3rd / image.nvim

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Error wont go away (lazy.nvim luarocks) #191

Open abdulrahmanDev1 opened 2 weeks ago

abdulrahmanDev1 commented 2 weeks ago

I keep getting this error whenever I open neovim although the plugin is working


onurcanbektas commented 2 weeks ago

Same here

3rd commented 2 weeks ago

hey @kevinm6 do you know how we could avoid this? i think we don't have to force users to have a global lua 5.1 install (that fixes it) since it will be loaded by luajit anyway right?

3rd commented 2 weeks ago

Pinned this and disabled rockspec until we find a workaround @abdulrahmanDev1 @kevinm6 There is a discussion about this on Reddit, I'm not that familiar with rocks, hopefully we can find the right way to do things soon: https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/1dng1d6/comment/lc2t5uh/

kevinm6 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @3rd .. unfortunately for now it's required from Lazy the Lua@5.1 ! A workaround is the one reported in the Lazy UI warnings (or checkhealth), in Lazy config set this

rocks = {
  hererocks = true

Another pointer where it was discussed

3rd commented 2 weeks ago

What I think I'm missing is why is having a specific Lua version installed externally required when the end goal is pulling luarocks that will be executed with the LuaJIT bundled by Neovim anyway - I don't think I understand how it works. Is it for a build step on some of the rocks? Or is the external Lua installation used at runtime?

kevinm6 commented 2 weeks ago

I think is due to some internals of Lazy that are really integrated with Neovim, since that's the one that needs Lua@5.1 and the way it loads the modules at runtime.

I don't think depends on something relative to LuaJIT or the rock build itself, since I'm capable of build it without Lua5.1 and in multiple ways outside NeoVim

sebalfaro commented 2 weeks ago

Hey guys @kevinm6 i'm stucked in the same point, so should i install globally lua 5.1 and also the the hererocks key on true, like this?

return {
  dependencies = {
      opts = {
        rocks = {
          hererocks = true,
3rd commented 2 weeks ago

I think if you install 5.1 globally it should just work, luarocks.nvim says it needs a global LuaJIT/Lua 5.1 installation.

sebalfaro commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @3rd

kapral18 commented 2 weeks ago

@3rd luajit is installed with neovim when using brew because it's a core dependency. I have it now and I see the error about missing magick rock.

kevinm6 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey guys @kevinm6 i'm stucked in the same point, so should i install globally lua 5.1 and also the the hererocks key on true, like this?

  rocks = {
    hererocks = true,

Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear.. the option rocks.hererocks = true is Lazy's one (it installs another plugin that is a python script and manage the rocks and lua versions installs). If you enable it, it works without having to install manually Lua5.1 and make it available on $PATH.

There are other ways you can fix it, as reported from @3rd, like just install and make lua5.1 available on $PATH or if you stick with luarocks.nvim, just do it as before.

kevinm6 commented 2 weeks ago

@3rd luajit is installed with neovim when using brew because it's a core dependency. I have it now and I see the error about missing magick rock.

@kapral18 If you update image.nvim to the last commit, you should follow the Installation steps and requirements as before

sebalfaro commented 1 week ago

@kevinm6 @3rd working on my end without erros, i've added the hererocks line that @kevinm6 has suggested. Thank you both guys

  rocks = {
    hererocks = true,
abdulrahmanDev1 commented 1 week ago

Thank you guys it's fixed for me too after I added the hererocks line I tried to do it before but it didn't work out for me, Thank you all.

kevinm6 commented 1 week ago

@kevinm6 @3rd working on my end without erros, i've added the hererocks line that @kevinm6 has suggested. Thank you both guys

@sebalfaro @abdulrahmanDev1 Glad it helped. The amazing job is @3rd 's one, it seems now, my little contribution created more issues than benefits!

3rd commented 1 week ago

@kevinm6 no no, your contribution is great, so Lazy requires Lua 5.1 installed correct? Then we can re-enable the rockspec and document that requirement as well, would that be the best?

sebalfaro commented 1 week ago

@3rd at least in my case it wasn't necessary to install neither Lua 5.1 nor magick locally, just adding the hererocks line in the lazy.lua file

kevinm6 commented 1 week ago

@kevinm6 no no, your contribution is great, so Lazy requires Lua 5.1 installed correct?

Yes, Lazy requires lua5.1 for the luarocks, due to its integration.

Then we can re-enable the rockspec and document that requirement as well, would that be the best?

I think should be fine if it's okay for you! We could try to make it really clear in the README and probably is the better choice to use so far, since is reported from Lazy's developer

joncrangle commented 1 week ago

Thanks for everyone's help in this thread. Since I didn't have any other rocks installed in my config, I found that adding the hererocks rock to my lazy config wasn't enough. I needed to specify the magick dependency to initiate hererocks getting added as a plugin and the magick plugin bindings getting built. Sharing my setup (with a utility function I use to disable on Windows) in case anyone else runs into this and might find it helpful:

return {
    -- Utility function to disable on Windows system
    enabled = function()
      if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then
        return false
        return true
    dependencies = {
    opts = {
      -- ... image.nvim config
kevinm6 commented 1 week ago

@joncrangle I think you can improve it and use Lazy cond to do not load a plugin if the condition isn't satisfied.

return {
    -- Disable on Windows system
    cond = function()
       return vim.fn.has 'win32' ~= 1 
    dependencies = {
    opts = {
       -- image.nvim config