3rd / image.nvim

🖼️ Bringing images to Neovim.
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Is sixel is in Consideration? #59

Open niksingh710 opened 11 months ago

niksingh710 commented 11 months ago

As I remember earlier sixel was mentioned in README for future but now I guess it is removed.?

pysan3 commented 11 months ago

I think you are talking about this plugin: https://github.com/samodostal/image.nvim

Which actually has the same name but developed completely separately. And in the world of lazy.nvim, I'm not sure if it is possible to install both due to name collision.

niksingh710 commented 11 months ago

I think you are talking about this plugin: samodostal/image.nvim

Which actually has the same name developed completely separately. And in the world of lazy.nvim, I'm not sure if it is possible to install both due to name collision.

nop, i guess i do remember it was for this one.

here check this commit https://github.com/3rd/image.nvim/blob/e82623458a08d9f43a67ef84e34dacf5c19f007b/README.md it contains sixel

pysan3 commented 11 months ago

Oh, sorry :sweat_smile:

3rd commented 11 months ago

Hey, the answer is yesss! Didn't get to it yet, but it's definitely comming.

There's already something like this, I need to reach out to @bytesnake as they've done a lot of work on this already.

It's a funny story, I made the vimage experiment as well, a few years ago #nevergiveup :joy:


r3k2 commented 9 months ago

Sixel support will be amazing

daiki0381 commented 9 months ago

Considering Sixel support would be beneficial as it opens compatibility with multiple terminal emulators beyond Kitty, such as iTerm2, Alacritty, wezterm, and others. I primarily use iTerm2, so I was contemplating the iTerm Image Protocol, but if Sixel support is achieved, it seems like a comprehensive solution.

Zeioth commented 8 months ago

+1, kitty protocol only works on kitty. Sixel is the industry standard.

stephenprater commented 8 months ago

Sixel support landed in tmux master recently. I concur that would be the bees knees.

3rd commented 8 months ago

@stephenprater this is amazing news!

niksingh710 commented 8 months ago

Have been using it for a long time and it is stable. Also used it with fzf as it now also got sixel.

r3k2 commented 7 months ago

Any news on this? I have FOOT terminal and LF with other parts of my GNU/Linux system all with sway/Wayland and Sixel only piece missing is Neovim with sixel.

a-priestley commented 6 months ago

Any news on this? I have FOOT terminal and LF with other parts of my GNU/Linux system all with sway/Wayland and Sixel only piece missing is Neovim with sixel.

I'm in the same boat. Sixel is the way to go here where more terminal emulators support it than any other protocol that I know of. Now that tmux supports it and it also propagates over ssh, I think it would provide the most cohesive experience for remote development workflows.

This does the job (credit to the original author - my fork fixes building on more up-to-date toolchains), but it is quite taxing on system resources.

pysan3 commented 6 months ago

There's a new lua plugin to bring sixel to neovim: sixelview.nvim.

I'm the author of neither of these plugins but I hope someone can step up to migrate this plugin into image.nvim/image/backends.

yimuchen commented 4 months ago

I had a go at merging the functions in sixelview.nvim into a something that resembles what is done for the ueberzug here [1]. There are quite a bit of issues:

If someone is more knowledgeable in how to process sixel output, let me know what I might proceed.

[1] https://github.com/yimuchen/image.nvim/blob/sixel_support/lua/image/backends/sixel.lua

CRAG666 commented 3 months ago

Perhaps this contribution can shed light on implementing sixel in this plugin. I recently developed a preview that supports sixel for fzf-tab, I leave the code here. The function is called draw and it works perfectly.

#!/usr/bin/env sh



CACHEFILE="$TMP/$(echo "$1" | base64).png"
LCACHEFILE="$LTMP/$(echo "$1" | base64).png"

maketemp() {
    [ ! -d "$TMP" ] && mkdir -p "$TMP"
    [ ! -d "$LTMP" ] && mkdir -p "$LTMP"

previewclear() {
    printf '\033[2J\033[H' # Clear screen

text() {
    bat --pager=never --wrap never --style="changes" --color="always" "$1" -p

archive() {
    local filename="$1"
    local extension="${filename##*.}"

    # Determine the tool to use based on the file extension
    case "$extension" in
        unzip -l "$filename" | awk 'NR>3 {print $4}'
    tar | tgz | tar.gz)
        tar -tf "$filename"
    tar.bz2 | tbz2)
        tar -tjf "$filename"
    tar.xz | txz)
        tar -tJf "$filename"
        unrar l "$filename" | awk '/^[ ]+[0-9]/ {print $NF}'
        7z l "$filename" | awk 'NR>18 {print $NF}'
        echo "Unsupported file type: $extension"

draw() {
    dimensions=$(identify -format "%wx%h" "$1")
    original_width=$(echo $dimensions | cut -d'x' -f1)
    original_height=$(echo $dimensions | cut -d'x' -f2)
    aspect_ratio=$(echo "scale=4; $original_width / $original_height" | bc)
    WIDTH=$(echo "scale=0; $HEIGHT * $aspect_ratio / 1" | bc)
    if [ "$WIDTH" -gt "$MAX_WIDTH" ]; then
        HEIGHT=$(echo "scale=0; $WIDTH / $aspect_ratio / 1" | bc)
    img2sixel -w "$WIDTH" -h "$HEIGHT" "$1"

image() {
    draw "$1"

# https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#showspectrum-1
audio() {
    [ ! -f "$CACHEFILE" ] && ffmpeg -loglevel 0 -y -i "$1" -lavfi "showspectrumpic=s=hd480:legend=0:gain=5:color=intensity" "$CACHEFILE"
    draw "$CACHEFILE"

video() {
    [ ! -f "$LCACHEFILE" ] && ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$1" -o "$LCACHEFILE" -s 1024 -q 10 &>/dev/null
    draw "$LCACHEFILE"

pdf() {
    [ ! -f "$CACHEFILE.png" ] && pdftoppm -png -singlefile "$1" "$CACHEFILE" -scale-to 1024
    draw "$CACHEFILE.png"

epub() {
    [ ! -f "$CACHEFILE" ] && epub-thumbnailer "$1" "$CACHEFILE" 1024
    draw "$CACHEFILE"

main() {
    mimetype=$(file -b --mime-type "$1")

    case $mimetype in
        epub "$1"
        pdf "$1"
    application/zip | application/x-tar | *rar | application/gzip)
        archive "$1"
        audio "$1"
        image "$1"
        text "$1"
        video "$1"
        [ "${1##*/..*}" = "" ] && echo || eza --icons --color=always --tree --level=2 --git "$1"
        text "$1"

main "$1"
queue-miscreant commented 1 month ago

Would love Sixel support. I've taken a crack at it in my own plugin (virt_lines is the most recent branch), but I feel like I've had to do a lot of dirty things to get it to work nicely, namely:

I also never looked into how to slice Sixels more cleanly, which would be better than completely rerendering with ImageMagick (like I'm doing). At the very least, I'm wrapping magick directly, instead of depending on the Luarock (#124).

I'm in the same boat. Sixel is the way to go here where more terminal emulators support it than any other protocol that I know of. Now that tmux supports it and it also propagates over ssh, I think it would provide the most cohesive experience for remote development workflows.

This does the job (credit to the original author - my fork fixes building on more up-to-date toolchains), but it is quite taxing on system resources.

That was actually the plugin I was working off of (initially in Python, then in straight Lua). I split out the markdown stuff into another plugin, if you're interested (virt_lines is also the most recent branch there).

3rd commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot for the hints! In the first version I used the pstree workaround as well. Sixels are definitely interesting and I'll work towards that, right now the focus is on finishing the first rewrite which has pluggable renderers and will support direct use of the magick CLI as well (will probably be the default since everyone has issues with the rock), and after I'll build a custom fast renderer to move in the direction of a graphics library as well. In the end I'd like to offload the whole render-and-send-to-term-in-whatever-way part to an external program so that the editor only has to manage editor stuff and offload most logic, only providing a proxy maybe for writing to the tty, if even that is needed. Thanks again, will revisit soon!

GitMurf commented 3 weeks ago

Just wanted to link here that windows terminal just implemented sixel image support so sixel could be a great path towards windows support as well!

See here: https://github.com/3rd/image.nvim/issues/115#issuecomment-2334930669