3scale is an API Infrastructure service which handles API Keys, Rate Limiting, Analytics, Billing Payments and Developer Management. Includes a configurable API dashboard and developer portal CMS. More product stuff at http://www.3scale.net/, support information at http://support.3scale.net/.
We are using the 3scale node module for our production environment. During the outage on Dec 6, our node servers crashed with the error:
] /usr/src/app/node_modules/3scale/lib/client.js:280
throw "[Client::authrep] Server Error Code: " + response.statusCode;]
[Client::authrep] Server Error Code: 503
We'd like to prevent future crashes. In looking at the node documentation, I found the following documentation helpful (https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html), they recommend not using try/catch throws in these types of apis
We are using the 3scale node module for our production environment. During the outage on Dec 6, our node servers crashed with the error: ] /usr/src/app/node_modules/3scale/lib/client.js:280 throw "[Client::authrep] Server Error Code: " + response.statusCode;] ^ [Client::authrep] Server Error Code: 503
We'd like to prevent future crashes. In looking at the node documentation, I found the following documentation helpful (https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html), they recommend not using try/catch throws in these types of apis