3scale / apicast-operator

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cluster scope mode #174

Closed eguzki closed 2 years ago

eguzki commented 2 years ago

Jira Issue: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/THREESCALE-7960


Change operator to also be cluster scoped using OLM

Verification steps

Build and upload custom operator image

export DOCKER_REGISTRY=quay.io
export DOCKER_ORG=<youre quay.io org>
make docker-build-only IMG=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$DOCKER_ORG/apicast-operator:cluster-mode
make operator-image-push IMG=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$DOCKER_ORG/apicast-operator:cluster-mode

Build and upload custom operator bundle image.

make bundle-custom-build IMG=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$DOCKER_ORG/apicast-operator:cluster-mode BUNDLE_IMG=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$DOCKER_ORG/apicast-operator:cluster-mode-bundle
make bundle-image-push BUNDLE_IMG=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$DOCKER_ORG/apicast-operator:cluster-mode-bundle

Deploy the operator in your currently configured and active cluster in $HOME/.kube/config

make bundle-run BUNDLE_IMG=$DOCKER_REGISTRY/$DOCKER_ORG/apicast-operator:cluster-mode-bundle

Once installed you should see it installed as cluster scoped i.e. All namespaces

Screenshot 2022-03-22 at 12-02-48 Installed Operators · Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform