3snowp7im / SotN-Randomizer

Randomizer for Castlevania: SotN
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
89 stars 37 forks source link

Feature request: Actual progress #45

Closed SenseiLeRoof closed 4 years ago

SenseiLeRoof commented 4 years ago

The squeezy blue line doesn't help me know what the randomizer is doing or how long I can expect to wait, or if the app is quietly hanging behind the scenes and wasting time. Even a "Shuffling items, equipment and relics" with a percent indicator would help.

3snowp7im commented 4 years ago

There is no way to tell how long it will take, it's entirely up to chance. 99.999% of the generation time is finding a relic placement strategy that meets the desired complexity without causing a softlock, so providing other status updates would be pointless.