3snowp7im / urn

Split tracker / timer with GTK+ frontend
GNU General Public License v3.0
126 stars 36 forks source link

[build] some updated info for ubuntu / debian build #57

Open arrowgent opened 2 years ago

arrowgent commented 2 years ago

since this project is considered dead as of 2017, people are still looking for info how to build this? im using ubuntu 18.04, i assume ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 and 22.04 will be similar to a debian buster 10 or debian bullseye 11

lets start with the dependencies

sudo apt install libjansson4 libjansson-dev \
libgtk-3-dev \

alternatively might require libgtk-3-0 libgtk-3-common libgtk-3-bin and libx11-6 x11-utils

i dont know the specifics unfortunately, all of these were already installed on my system from previous github compiling software

libgtk-3-dev contains: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/gtk+-3.0.pc libjansson-dev contains: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/jansson.pc libx11-dev contains: (i assume is required) /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/x11.pc

good to go?

do make to verify it compiles

next to avoid converting svg to png, i simply commented the lines in GNUmakefile to this:

#    for size in 16 22 24 32 36 48 64 72 96 128 256 512; do \
#      convert $(ICON).svg -resize "$$size"x"$$size" \
#              $(ICON_DIR)/"$$size"x"$$size"/apps/$(ICON).png ; \
#    done

you can also edit the makefile to simply copy a standard .png file that you create or fix the convert string to work correctly. i have the convert (imagemagik)

you will be required to do sudo make install to get the required file urn-gtk.gschema.xml into the "expected" location

test that it works from the build folder urn-gtk splits/sotn.json

i see no point in doing a PR for this since this software is abandoned if people want to continue using this simple GTK software then they will look in the issues how to solve the compiling issues or LACK of info how to build it on the readme


arrowgent commented 2 years ago


https://github.com/3snowp7im/urn/issues/17 https://github.com/3snowp7im/urn/issues/40

arrowgent commented 2 years ago

further info

stop hiding mouse: gsettings set wildmouse.urn hide-cursor false

global keys: gsettings set wildmouse.urn global-hotkeys true

keybinds defaults:

gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-start-split space
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-stop-reset Backspace
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-cancel Delete
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-unsplit Page_Up
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-skip-split Page_Down
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-toggle-decorations Control_R

some more SANE keybinds:

gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-start-split '<Control>Insert'
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-stop-reset '<Control>End'
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-cancel '<Control>Delete'
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-unsplit '<Control>Page_Up'
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-skip-split '<Control>Page_Down'
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-toggle-decorations '<Control>Home'

to see what else is using CTRL as a keybind modifier: gsettings list-recursively | grep \<Control\>