3x3cut0r / docker

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Embedding Model duplicate in settings.yaml #14

Closed kbarto323 closed 3 months ago

kbarto323 commented 3 months ago

Getting an error uploading a doc saying model 5m not found - connected to container and found duplicate variable for embedding_model which I believe is supposed to be the timeout variable.

ollama: api_base: embedding_api_base: llm_model: llama3:latest embedding_model: all-minilm:l6-v2 embedding_model: 5m tfs_z: 1.0 num_predict: 128 top_k: 40 top_p: 0.9 repeat_last_n: 64 repeat_penalty: 1.1 request_timeout: 120.0

kbarto323 commented 3 months ago

That worked! Thanks!

3x3cut0r commented 3 months ago

yes, was a copy paste issue.