3xp10it / xcdn

Try to find out the real ip behind cdn
335 stars 114 forks source link

Error #4

Closed xutianqi closed 3 years ago

xutianqi commented 5 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "xcdn.py", line 288, in Xcdn(domain) File "xcdn.py", line 63, in init actual_ip = self.get_actual_ip_from_domain() File "xcdn.py", line 276, in get_actual_ip_from_domain result = self.check_if_mx_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain() File "xcdn.py", line 228, in check_if_mx_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain result = self.check_if_ip_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain(each_ip) File "xcdn.py", line 197, in check_if_ip_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain if True == self.check_if_ip_is_actual_ip_of_domain(each_ip): File "xcdn.py", line 156, in check_if_ip_is_actual_ip_of_domain hosts_changed_domain_title= get_request(self.http_or_https + "://%s" % self.domain,'selenium_phantom_js')['title'] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/exp10it.py", line 2075, in get_request driver.quit() UnboundLocalError: local variable 'driver' referenced before assignment 【How to solve this problem when I run it by python3.7】

3xp10it commented 5 years ago

Install chromedriver from http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads then try it again.