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Investigate why the need for Digital Ocean Power Cycle? #44

Open theryankelly opened 8 years ago

theryankelly commented 8 years ago

2 days in a row site needed a power cycle

theryankelly commented 8 years ago

Digital Ocean Ticket:

CPU maxed out under limited use

The current site on this GoRI droplet has no active users and is in maintenance mode. However, before power cycling this morning 100% of the CPU was being expanded for the last few days. What is drawing on the CPU if the site/application is not active?

theryankelly commented 8 years ago

Hello there!

Thank you for reaching out to us today and I will be happy to assist you. One thing to keep in mind that we're not really a traditional web host, we are an "Infrastructure as a Service" provider. We have no internal access to your droplet so we cannot perform any actions for you and are only able to assist in your own troubleshooting efforts.

Have you tried isolating the process on your droplet? You can do so with the following command:

HTOP - An interactive process viewer " sudo apt-get install htop sudo htop "

PS - Reports information about processes at the time of execution " ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10 "

You can see what each part of the command does here if you are interested: http://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=ps+-eo+pcpu%2Cpid%2Cuser%2Cargs+%7C+sort+-k+1+-r+%7C+head+-10

If you'd like, you can also upload the output to a website like Ubuntu Pastebin (paste.ubuntu.com), then provide the URL to that file in this ticket to help keep it easier to read.

Please let us know if you have any further questions and we'll be happy to answer them!

Best Regards,

-- Dylan Platform Support Specialist

theryankelly commented 8 years ago


theryankelly commented 8 years ago
