./tester http://localhost:80
Welcome in this little webserver tester.
Passing the test here is the minimum before going to an evaluation.
press enter to continue
press enter to continue
Before starting please follow the next few steps (files content can be anything and will be shown to you by the test):
- Download the cgi_test executable on the host
- Create a directory YoupiBanane with:
-a file name youpi.bad_extension
-a file name youpi.bla
-a sub directory called nop
-a file name youpi.bad_extension in nop
-a file name other.pouic in nop
-a sub directory called Yeah
-a file name not_happy.bad_extension in Yeah
press enter to continue
Setup the configuration file as follow:
- / must answer to GET request ONLY
- /put_test/* must answer to PUT request and save files to a directory of your choice
- any file with .bla as extension must answer to POST request by calling the cgi_test executable
- /post_body must answer anything to POST request with a maxBody of 100
- /directory/ must answer to GET request and the root of it would be the repository YoupiBanane and if no file are requested, it should search for youpi.bad_extension files
press enter to continue
Before starting please verify that the server is launched
press enter to continue
Test GET http://localhost:80/
FATAL ERROR ON LAST TEST: Get http://localhost:80/: dial tcp connect: connection refused
15 이 이슈를 해결하면 테스터를 사용할 수 있지 않을까 생각됨.
아래 nginx configuration file을 작성해주면 좋을 것 같음.
임시로 tester.conf 라는 파일을 만들어 두었음.
Setup the configuration file as follow:
- / must answer to GET request ONLY
- /put_test/* must answer to PUT request and save files to a directory of your choice
- any file with .bla as extension must answer to POST request by calling the cgi_test executable
- /post_body must answer anything to POST request with a maxBody of 100
- /directory/ must answer to GET request and the root of it would be the repository YoupiBanane and if no file are requested, it should search for youpi.bad_extension files
기능이 필요한 이유
제공된 테스터
를 사용하기 위해 테스트 환경 구축이 필요함솔루션(optional)
테스터 설명
15 이 이슈를 해결하면 테스터를 사용할 수 있지 않을까 생각됨.
@exgs 아래 nginx configuration file을 작성해주면 좋을 것 같음. 임시로
라는 파일을 만들어 두었음.branch는
로 만들어 두었고, 그곳에 작업하면 될듯! (보호되어 있지 않아서 그냥 푸시 가능) https://github.com/404-DriverNotFound/200-OK/tree/Teat/TestingEnvironment추가로
이 폴더 구성을 내가 잘못 이해하고 넣었을 수도 있어서 이 부분도 다들 한번 확인해주면 좋을 것 같음